If any of you were quietly doubting the "30 released Guantanimo detainees have returned to the battlefield" narrative but didn't know how to prove it was bs:
Obsidian Wings to the rescue. From Seton Hall Law Center's research:
"Extending to the Government the benefit of the doubt as to ambiguous cases, the list of possible Guantánamo recidivists who could have been captured or killed on the battlefield consists of two individuals: Mohammed Ismail and Mullah Shazada. If an apartment complex in Russia falls within the definition of “battlefield,” then as of June 2007-after the Department of Defense had already cited thirty (30) as the total number of recidivists-an additional individual, Ruslan Odizhev, can be added to the list. Thus, at most-of the approximately 445 detainees who have been released from Guantánamo-three (3) detainees, or less than one percent (1%), have subsequently returned to the battlefield to be captured or killed. Two (2) other detainees (Abdul Rahman Noor and Mohammed Nayim Farouq), while not re-captured or killed, are claimed to be engaged in military activities, although the information provided by the Government in this regard cannot be cross-checked."
For those with poor math skills, even the most generous estimate of five (5) is a lot less than thirty (30).