Two recs passed along from
There's No Rainbow Bridge Across the Generation Gap is a non-smut fic about Loki and his kids (of Norse mythology). It is deeply, deeply awesome and you need to read it.
(How sad is it that I have to reassure you when I post fics that are NOT smut, because THAT'S abnormal for me? "No no, don't worry! I promise it won't scar your soul! This time!)
This one, on the other hand...
Why Sex Ed Should Stay in Schools. It is a Sesame Street smutfic, and that should be all the warning you'll ever need. I present it as a curiousity, because while it is well-written, it is also the worst thing I have ever read. EVER. I hereby disclaim all legal and moral responsibility for the results of your reading this story.
In more important news, I'm sure everyone has by now heard that
Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani opposition leader, former Prime Minister, and political candidate for the Jan. elections, has been assassinated. It's sad from a personal perspective: she was quite an amazing person, and she leaves a husband and three kids behind. But as someone who didn't know her personally, I've got to say I'm focused more on the implications for all of Pakistan...
It is unclear who is responsible- "Islamic militants" are of course the first to be blamed, and given the presence of rabid-dog-crazy fundamentalists (with their accompanying entitlement issues) that's highly possible. To the minds of many (me included), Musharraf is an equally likely suspect. I suspect if it WAS him, we'll never really know. Bhutto's supporters are sure angry though- they think that at the very least Musharraf intentionally slacked off in protecting her. There's a lot of protests/rioting (the label depends which article you read) going on right now; Musharraf is at this point saying the elections will go on as planned, but that may change I think. Plus, Bhutto was apparently the glue holding the whole process together: at least one of the candidates is now threatening to boycott the elections.
So it's kind of a mess over there.
ETA: Also, Deirdre's
Fade updated. I forget if I recced this before, but it is well-written and ZOMG ANGST. Woo.