Morons or liars: Legal Symposium Edition
This article from
the ABA E-Journal kind of cracked me up. Apparently the MPAA was among those invited to a symposium on intellectual property law to whine about enforcement issues:
Malcolm compared the profitability and risks of piracy with drug dealing. Drug trafficking often leads to major jail time and even the possibility of execution, outlined Malcolm, while intellectual property crimes often carry a minimal fine and no jail time.
lulz, MPAA. For reals.
The Goddamn Batman
I know I've
mentioned this before, but thanks to
kc-anathema's linkery, you can now read a comprehensive plot summary of All Star Batman and Robin and come to grips with how completely batshit insane it actually is. You're welcome!
Part 1,
Part 2.
Fun with Patents!
You see these
lists of crazy inventions pretty frequently, and I never know how much to trust to their veracity. But I always find them entertaining anyway.
Old Toys!
X-entertainment discusses the 1985 JC Penney's catalog. I love XE. I just wish it still updated as much as it used to.