So I guess the new
All-Star Batman and Robin is out:
And now, the ISB Proudly Presents a selection of actual dialogue from All-Star Batman #5:
Wonder Woman: You bastard! You bastard. I hate your guts. I hate your guts. You make me sick. You make me sick.
Its called being paid by the word, folks.
Anyway, at this point, I think at this point, we can all pretty much agree that ASBAR is just awful, but the debate rages on as to whether or not it’s actually awful on purpose, and I honestly don’t know which side I’m on. where the first piece of dialogue is Wonder Woman saying “Out of my way, sperm bank,” and it just gets funnier from there. Seriously, every single page of this thing is a riot, from the scene where Miller just goes ahead and re-does a scene from Sin City with Dwight and Gail re-cast as Superman and Wonder Woman to the page where Batman responds to a thug asking “What?” by punching him so hard that a nearby woman immediately falls in love with him. See? It’s amazing.
And yet the whole thing’s played so straight by Miller and Jim Lee that it’s impossible to tell if it’s genius or madness, and the only thing I really know for sure is that it’s absolutely freakin’ hilarious. Intentional or not, it’s a hoot, and while I hate to support a “monthly” comic that only bothers to come out once a year, it’s worth $2.99 just to get a line like Superman’s stirring: “Damn you, Diana! Damn you and your Amazon arrogance!” Delightful!
I'm pretty sure I need this comic. Hell, I wish they'd put it out in trade. I know it's only 5 issues so far, but it has already become a fucking classic.
Yes, folks, All-Star Batman
brings the crazy.
Also! I was reading these scans from Ultimate Spiderman (SPOILER ALERT) of
Kingpin being super evil. I....I think I'm sort of turned on now.
(Someone suggested that this was Kingpin's revenge for
Spiderman #12. I hope you all appreciate how long it took me to find that damn post.)
Finally, the ISB alerted me to the existence of a comic entitled "Satan's Sodomy Baby." I'm pretty sure that I have to own this.