Oct 08, 2004 21:11
I've been thinking that maybe the reason political discourse is so negative these days is because the candidates compete on such a negative basis. As far as I can make out, the major categories upon which candidates are judged are:
--Attack ad production
--Photo opportuning
Sometimes we televise the candidates taking turns doing these things, and call it a "debate." It tries to look all significant and dignified and important, but basically it's a seedy entertainment that misrepresents its participants and exploits the viewing public. Sort of like the Miss America pageant only with less swimwear (and thank god for that).
With this in mind, I'd like the suggest that the candidates inject some more "fun" into the campaign. Heck, sure we have wars, massive deficits, terrorism, job loss, tax reform, and social programs to worry about- but an election's not about those things. It's not about realistic problem-solving and reliable promises for America's future. It's about WINNING, gosh darn it! So why be a bunch of negative nancies, arguing and fussing about who was where during Vietnam, and who snorted what in their college days, and what have you...why not get out there and give the public what it wants and needs from an election? That's right, good, old-fashioned spectacle.
I suggest the addition of the following categories to the pre-election competition:
--Evening wear
--Bronc busting
--Throwing pies at foreign diplomats
and just about everybody's favorite:
--Who Wants To Be the President?
Furthermore, I suggest that future ties in the electoral college be determined without the need for nerve-wracking lawsuits that produce confusing plurality opinions that not even law professors understand. Instead, any ties in the presidential election will be determined by kung fu tournament.
presidential elections,