Friday Night Lights - "The Cool Side of Satin," Tyra & Lyla, T

Jun 19, 2012 12:09

Title: The Cool Side of Satin
Author: lindentree
Rating: T
Character(s): Tyra Collette, Lyla Garrity
Word Count: 2,787
Summary: By hour two, Tyra was genuinely wondering whether she had lost her damn mind. 
Notes: Set during 1x22 "State." I always wondered how that drive home went for these two. Title and lyrics are from Neko Case's "Margaret vs. Pauline," which ( Read more... )

friday night lights, fic: mine

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Comments 2

spyhop June 22 2012, 05:03:54 UTC
Thanks for sharing this. It's always wonderful when you treat us with a trip to Dillon :) And I really enjoyed the dynamic between these two positively strong headed and hearted girls just trying to see for once how they fit together without any outside influences even though they can't really escape them. Of course now I really want to read the fic where Tyra does ask Lyla to hang out with her and Julie and all heck breaks loose because they each assume a different kind of night. Tyra tries to set up a make up and cookies thing and Lyla tries to prep herself for a full-on Collette initiation to the other side of Dillon :)


lindentree July 22 2012, 21:08:05 UTC
Hee! I can only imagine what that would have been like. I always wanted more scenes with the female characters interacting with just each other, and more for both Lyla and Julie to do as characters that didn't involve their relationships with the male characters. As close as FNL is to being a perfect show, that's one of my minor beefs with it, so I've always enjoyed inserting a bit of that into my fics even when the main plot is Tim/Julie or whatever. Short fics are a great way to explore this kind of scenario, and they're fun to write... So who knows, I may steal that idea from you! :)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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