So, I've gotten into American Horror Story. In part because it's a steaming hot jambalaya of crazy, but also because I seem to have developed genuine thoughts and feelings about Tate/Violet. I know, I know.
Anyway, have some quality recs, as there's not a ton of great fic for this pairing, for reasons which are probably obvious:
Have To Be You by
The looks she gives me then, full of contempt - it does something to me. Like a switch. For a moment there, I don't see Nora's face. I see my mother, staring back at me with distaste. I have this impulse, this crazy, scary impulse, and it's all I can do not to hit her. Hit her until there's nothing solid left. After she's gone, I look at my hands for a long time, it's like they belong to someone else.
Accidents Will Happen by
She hesitated only a few seconds before rising to his bait. Her scars looked nothing like his, all red and fresh and fierce. It was very appealing to him, that blend of defiance, anger and rawness. He could tell she was smarter than the rest and was well aware of it. Maybe if he'd met someone like her years before, someone worthy of an effort, things would have turned out differently.
Tried To Go Where It Led But It Didn't Lead To Anything by
There’s a crying woman that sits at the edge of his bed sometimes, and Tate misses her when they lose the house and end up moving into the smaller one next door. She’s always easy to calm down as long as he uses the right tone of voice, which he likes, and her hands are very soft.
Sometimes he imagines that he’s her son.
Asks her things like, “Don’t we look alike, Mother?” Touches his hair to hers. Or her slight, pale wrist to his. Kisses her lips softly.
And her brow furrows, and she’ll agree. But really he’s too old, much too old, it just can’t be, it’s all wrong, and then he has to calm her down all over again.
Nightmares Become Me by
Maybe something’s broken in her. Maybe she just hates everything and everyone else so much more. Maybe she watches too much television. But all in all, she’s sort of okay with it. All of it. She hasn’t cut herself in two days.
An Illustrated Book About Birds by Nokomis:
“It’s okay,” Tate says, stroking her head. His fingers tangle into her hair, tugging slightly against a snarl. She wonders how much pressure it takes to pull a trigger. “It’s okay.”
the after hours by andbless_mybaby:
It’s just that everything about her is the best thing ever: the ashy taste of cigarettes when they’re making out, the thin ladder of scars up her arms, her small breasts. Sometimes it feels like he opens his mouth and this inappropriate shit rolls out on its own, like it’s being hammered out by his heart. He wants to do all kinds of nasty things to her. He wants to rub his inner filthiness all over her, make her just like him. She’s perfect for him.