Lewis drabble: Birds of a Feather

Nov 02, 2014 01:21

Title: Birds of a Feather
Author: lindenharp
Series: On the Wings of the Dawn -- DVD Extras
Words: 100
Genres: drabble, AU, wingfic
Rating: all ages
Characters: James Hathaway & Robbie Lewis
Summary: An ordinary witness interview presents Lewis and Hathaway with a new mystery.  (This is another spin-off from my On the Wings of the Dawn series. This drabble stands on its own--all you need to know is that in this universe, James has wings which he keeps bound and hidden under his clothing.)
A/N: This is a birthday fic for Sasha1600.

At Ao3...

drabble, au, james hathaway, fic, robert lewis, gen, humor

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