Title: Unusual Way
lindenharpChallenge: Winter Companion Summer Holidays 2
Prompt: oddity
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Nine, Jack/Ten
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Boom Town, The Parting of the Ways, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End, The End of Time, Everything Changes. Warning for scenes of (temporary) death.
A/N: This is my first (completed) fanvid. I did it for the July challenge at
Winter Companions. Now that the challenge is over, I can post it here. The song is from John Barrowman's newest album, and I think it perfectly describes Jack's feelings about the Doctor. Even if that isn't your 'Ship, it's worth listening to just to enjoy a beautiful song and JB's amazing voice.
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