Title: In a Jam
Rating: G
Characters: Mickey Smith, Third Doctor, Jo Grant
Genre: drabble
Words: 100
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Young Mickey gets into a jam when he meets two very strange people.
Disclaimer: I am not the BBC.
A/N: Written for
garpu. Prompt given at the end of the drabble.
The boy hurried home. Gran was waiting. Teatime!
A strange couple darted around the corner: a geezer in a velvet jacket and a petite blonde.
"What now, Doctor?"
"Ruxids can be tranquilised by a saccharide-citric acid mixture. Unfortunately, I haven't got any."
As they ran past, the blonde jostled the boy, sending his bag flying. Crash!
"Eureka!" The geezer used a handkerchief to scoop up the contents of a broken glass jar.
"Sorry," the blonde said. "But you just got us out of a very sticky situation."
And got me into one. Mickey scowled at the puddle of marmalade.
Prompt: Three, Mickey, Marmalade