Mar 13, 2008 16:55
So one more day of work and then I have a three day weekend! Yay!! ;D Also tomorrow is me and Matt's eight year anniversary. Don't know yet whether we should go out for fancy dinner tomorrow night or not...we're kind of low on money but it seems lame to not celebrate with something special. We shall see I suppose. Spontaneity is usually best.
I felt so shitty at work today. I was having crazy sinus headaches and sneezy allergies. I think I'm allergic to people. Or at least their perfume. Gross. Sometimes a little touch of essential oil or perfume is lovely but let's not bathe in it kids. Especially the cheap shit...
Okay well that's about all that's currently going down. I'm almost done taking out my dreads, I just have the lower back half of my head now. ;) I can't wait for Tara to cut and style it! And to finally dye it a decent colour!