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ladyjutea Debs~ I'm bored~~~
ladyjutea Oh my GOD.
http://www.boytaur.net/linden_tree you...
linden_tree ...ARE...bored
linden_tree oh WHY did i click the naked picture?
ladyjutea Naked pic?
ladyjutea You mean you actually clicked on one of these pictures?
ladyjutea Why, Debs? Why???!!!
linden_tree because i wanted to know what a boytar was
ladyjutea HAHAHAHAHA
linden_tree and now i will forever have a 3-penised boy burned onto my retinas
linden_tree and his name is harold
ladyjutea I'm glad i got scared off by the picture on the main screen
ladyjutea 3 penises, eh? What is wrong with people?
linden_tree what i don't understand is...how the heck do they have such great abs if they're centaurs? like...seriously...how the heck do you do crunches like that?
ladyjutea You're putting way too much thought into this, I think. =P
linden_tree no, really! how do they do it? i work in a gym so i've seen it all, and i have no idea how that's possible!
ladyjutea *shudder* This must be a joke website, right?
ladyjutea And yet there are people posting naked pictures of themselves.
linden_tree how in god's name did you find this
ladyjutea http://www.cracked.com/index.php?name=News&sid=2271 linden_tree my friend just sent me to the most disturbing site ever
gruberman Oh dear - dare I ask?
gruberman Was it the kids worshipping George Bush video?
linden_tree worse
gruberman Oooo -what could be worse than that?
gruberman You're keeping me in suspense!
linden_tree you truly don't want to know
linden_tree http://www.cracked.com/index.php?name=News&sid=2271 it's something off here
gruberman Men's Long Hair Hyperboard
linden_tree i like that one! but no...
gruberman Ahahaha!
gruberman Furrs Fur Christ!
linden_tree lol keep reading
gruberman That Boytaur sure has nice abs!