Nov 17, 2007 10:48
Sleeping in has never felt so good as it did this morning, I swear. I had a run of a good luck, sleeping/insomnia wise, for awhile there, and then this week just decided to kick my ASS. Poor, poor AH had to drag my sorry butt out of bed every day this week, and most nights I just couldn't get to sleep at all until two or three, which sucks when I'd been averaging somewhere about midnight.
In other stuff, I finished the blanket I was making for my mom for Christmas--yay! I started it during Canadian Thanksgiving (first weekend in October, not mid-July, for those who don't know), and I finished it before American Thanksgiving, which is pretty damned shiny. Once the camera gets charged up, I'll take a picture of it. My list of shit-to-make-for-Christmas is shorter this year, but I've still got a few things to get done, but for once, I've got plenty of time to do them in. Me--getting shit done early and not the night before it's due... that's a little scary.
I also went to the SPCA to fill out an application to volunteer. No, this is not a secret plan to get the AH to let me get another seventeen cats! Okay, it totally is, but it's not like he doesn't KNOW that's what I'm plotting. If it wasn't for him, I really would be a crazy old cat lady, for serious. But since I can't have a dog right now, and I had to surrender my last shelter dog when he got too aggressive with my cats, I feel like I need to balance out my karma a little, so volunteering it is. Hopefully they'll call me about it some time next week.
Okay--so laundry, baking (I hope), dishes, and knitting. I'm so domestic I could barf.
oh jay,
things domestic,