See, this is why no matter how cold it gets, you aren't going to catch me complaining about it being cold, not unless I've just been stranded out in the snow or something like that. If it's cold, you can always put on a sweater. When it's hot? There's only so naked you can get. And when you don't have air conditioning and it gets up to 43 degrees Celsius, it's just not even fair. Especially not when I had to go to a wedding and be in like, a dress and all. And makeup. I came within inches of breaking a glass and hacking my hair off with the jagged edge, because I couldn't find a ponytail holder to put it up with.
It's so hot, and my apartment gets all the afternoon sun in the living room and kitchen. So, pretty much can't use the oven. Or really the upstairs at all. I was going through cupboards trying to find something I could eat, and all the chocolate chips in the baking drawer have melted. That drawer doesn't even face the window or get any direct sunlight. That's just from heat.
My boy is gone for the whole week, and I'm in my second full week of my new job, which is possibly the first day I'll have my very own desk for. Which seriously is totally shiny. After a full month of managing on whatever spare space I can beg, borrow, or steal, having my own space is a luxury I was not expecting. One that makes me more gleeful than should be allowed.
This post wins for being random. You'd think I was sleepy or something.
Further posts and topics may or may not include: Canadian weddings, my life as an international super-something, the joy of bathing cats, and possibly an actual post in that
jay_bean journal I've set up, which is supposed to be for more real life like stuff. Feel free to friend or not, as you please... some of it will be flocked and some won't, but I want somewhere to post Stuff and Things that are rattling up my brain.
Okay. Bed. Now. Lets find out if it's cool enough for me to sleep, especially without the boy around.