And staying that way. We just finished our last performance, and I am exhaustipated. It was fun, it was the realization of a dream, and now I want to fall down and sleep for a long, long time. But instead, I'm going to get up and work at a stupid hour of the morning, then fly to Calgary to visit
ashinae, which should be fun, if not relaxing. There will be lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
I suck at going on trips though. I just spent an hour frantically looking for my wallet, which has all my ID in it, only to find it on my desk buried under a McDonalds napkin. Yes. I am JUST that cool. Either way, I have my ID, and my heart can start beating again, and more importantly, I can finish packing so that I can go to SLEEP already.
I haven't seen SPN yet, since I can't find a download and I was at the show when it aired, so I'm gonna have to really really hope I can manage to not get spoiled for a few days. And agonize. Lots.
I miss everyone, and I want to send extra love out to those what need it, and come next week, I should be back and Jay again. Which is good. I've missed that girl.