Ok, you know what, I've been thinking about it, and I'm not being unreasonable here.
I really dislike being alone. Not in a boyfriend/girlfriend sort of way, but in a "I enjoy the presence of other people nearby" sort of way. About a week ago Meghan and I were just chilling out reading, but that was because I asked her to read in the living room
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This makes me sad.
Trevor had recently mentioned these Wendy's outings to me, and I was like 'well how come you never invite me?' and he was like 'well we do it every Friday at such a time', to which I replied 'well I'm always working Friday, and Swiss is right along the way, you can't even stop by?'
And it wasn't a *real* request (I mean it's silly to ask you guys to stop into Swiss every time you pass by it :P), and I'm not even a needy person in this respect like you are (no offense meant, just a statement :P), but still.... it didn't feel nice to be so obviously not even thought of, especially since I get to see you so rarely because of work/school conflicts.
So I defiinitely know where you're coming from, just not quite the magnitude.
I also understand sometimes you *don't* want to invite all your roommates, you just want time for you and perhaps your other friends, which is my opinion is totally excusable as long as you make it known in a nice way and it doesn't happen too often :) But since it was all the roomies except you this does not apply here.
:( :( :(
Hopefully you guys are able to resolve this soon!
But YOU have made me feel a bit better; solidarity is good.
(also, totally didn't take any offense at that comment, I know I'm needy lol)
(you know, until the next thing is due haha)
Sorry for inadvertently giving you reason to feel worse :( I don't rememebr if he said 'every Friday' or 'Fridays', but I doubt any wording makes it any better.
<3 <3 <3! Best of luck sorting it out, though.
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