Feb 15, 2006 00:15
well technically its over now. I had a pretty good day. I talked to lots of people and lots of people wished me a happy birthday. Among my favorite are Holly, THordog and LiveG, TomahawkRed,(halo buddies) Anthony, and Bonnie. and mY FAMILY! lol
I got some pretty red tulips, and a balloon and some gifts from bonnie. I need to open them.
I think we're waiting to celebrate my birthday this weekend so we didn't really do anything big, but i got lots of chocolate. Chocolate cake, chocolate cupcakes. I don't feel 20, but then again i feel old. its weird.
I'm excited because in june i think i'm gonna get to see the Phantom of the Opera play in St. Louis! I can't wait. Its gonna be awesome.
I got two new fish, i put my Betta in a bowl after he ate my last tetra. Then i bought two little gold platys fish. they are pretty fun to watch. I still have a snail and my 2 ghost shrimp. Everything else is dead and/or eaten. I want to get some more, hopefully this weekend.
WEll thats my life. I hope everybody had a great valentines day.