Dammit..Interpol..YOu slay me!

Sep 28, 2004 23:49

So yesterday (which was Monday) I was excited to go to the Interpol Instore at Virgin Sunset. I asked Betty and Jeirong to go with me. They didn't want to go with me but I wanted someone to keep me company. The signing didn't start til midnight but we got there around 11pm and whoa..The line was LONG!! It went for days. I didn't know where the end of the line was! I was so freaked out. I parked and we walked around the store and I bought the new Faint album "Wet from Birth" which is a hot album btw..you should check it out. <3 We looked at some books and they were kicking people out of the store because the band had arrived. I wasn't going to deal with the long line so we left. Betty was still up for hanging out so I took them to Hustlers on sunset strip. Betty's never been there and she was like "omg!" to everything. We went to the cafe section of the store where I ordered a strawberry shortcake and a cream soda to drown my sorrows in. The guy working at the register was like "Do you want to work here?" and I was like "um..no" and then I yelled at Betty and asked her if she wanted to work here and she just smiled. See, we're both two innocent looking little asain girls..we would look out of place..especially Betty..her name says it all. There was a huge sign that read "Hungry or Horny?" and Betty asked me so which are you? and I said "BOth". =P We sat there and read for awhile and Jeirong looked pretty tired. He was like "THere's nothing else to do here.." and turned and grab this giant book that was titled "Everything you need to know about sex". haha. Oh yah and as soon as we walked in he headed for the 18 and over section. Betty was like "I don't know what he thinks he's going to buy.." I got home around 1:30am and was pretty bummed. I had been planning this for weeks..WEEkS! me and my stupid ass..thinking I can show up at 11pm and expect to get something signed..in LA! but I wasn't about to spend 5 hours in line either.

The next morning I was still bummed and drove to school. I had reading for my first class and I couldn't concentrate..all I could think about was "What if.." and then after class I was like "FUck this I"m going to the San Diego Signing!" I went to the library got the number and directions and was off like a fat man chasing after an ice cream truck. I got there in record time..well around 1:30pm and stood in the long line (but not as long as the LA line). At some point the guys at the record store cut off the line and there were maybe 10-15 people behind me. I was really happy when they did that because I wouldn't have the pressure of getting my stuff signed really quickly and getting shoved off. It was finally my turn like at 2pm..(that's right 2!! I only had to wait in line for half an hour!) I got my stuff signed and took a lot of pictures of them while they signed it and got a picture with my beloved Paul Banks! <333 I was taking so many pictures of them I decided to ask Paul if I could get a picture with him since he was sitting at the end and it was easier to get a picture with him he nodded and I took a picture with him. AHH! NOw I can die a happy woman! I'm so happy I decided to drive all the way down to San Diego for the signing..I don't regret it at all..AND I made it back with half an hour to kill for my 4 o'clock class. I'm so happy my 2pm class got canceled today. :D :D
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