(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 11:41

I had a dream that everyone from Than's game went shopping together. It was pretty pointless actually. But I think it would be hilarious if we all went shopping together and acted like our characters. I think we should do it, and put on foreign accents, so people think we're from some country where our behavior is normal.

Tonight, if you have the inclination to find yourself in Worcester, come to Ralph's and see me and Jez perform. It won't suck!

So I never made it to the Arabic club, and Samarra just told me that tomorrow is the last night! So we're going. The one person I had a bellydance lesson from is one of the performers. So that's freakin cool. Its good timing too, cause it will probably give me specific things I can ask Lakshmi to teach me.

I've decided in my downtime at work I'm going to read Ulysses. I bought it and the notes, and have two online guides as well. Wish me luck.
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