bad day

Oct 05, 2008 15:50

so the day started off with the apartment building across the street catching on fire. the dog and i had just been out there, she pooped right in front of it, by the time we walked back inside people were running out of the building screaming and banging on other peoples windows. scary shit. it was like 6:30 in the morning, so everyone was still asleep and evacuating in their jammies when it's cold out. black smoke was everywhere, and the windows started shattering from the pressure. the fire dept had to rescue someone w/ the ladder who couldnt see through the smoke to get out. flames were bursting through the front of the building. very scary. according to the news the fire was contained to one unit, but it looked really bad. smoke was for sure everywhere, and most of the windows busted out. we gave a couple of our blankets to a couple that had two babies with very little clothing. sad and scary. everyone lived though so that is a good thing.
brought back memories of my apartment building in sea-tac when that caught on fire. also scary. doesn't help that being trapped in a fire is pretty much my biggest fear ever. so yeah. i'm shaken up even though i wasn't directly affected. i'm just glad everyone's ok.

then i had to go to work, where there's a dog on medical board b/c the owners are too fucking retarded to take care of it post-op. Its an 11 month old lab w/ zero training whatsoever. it can't even sit on command. walking it on a leash is not even possible, i just take it to the potty patch. when i did try to walk it it tried to go after two people on bikes, a dog, and another cat. and then when you try to lead it back to the clinic it puts on its breaks and will not go anywhere. i put my arm around it to lift it and it snapped at me. i seriously hate this dog. well i hate it's owners for not even attempting to train it. and she's leaving it with us for its recovery b/c she doesn't want to put effort into trying to keep it calm at home. so as i'm in the clinic trying to give a sick cat fluids (keep in mind i'm the only one that works on sunday, so i have no help in anything i'm doing) well i'm giving this cat fluids and the dog will NOT stop barking and i just want to punch it. i finish the fluids and as i go to put the lid on the needle i instead jam it into my thumb and start bleeding everywhere. awesome. that happened twice actually. this is where i completely lose it and start bawling my eyes out whilst yelling at the dog to please just shut the fuck up.
GOD. i was not a very nice vet assistant today. but that dog would not shut up. it's on valium even but still so damn annoying.
so now i'm home, eating ice cream, trying to calm down. lucky me gets to go back to work in a few hours to deal with that dog again and give it more meds....i'm so sick of it. it's been boarding for over a week, i just want it to go home.

sigh. i want a hug. and a nap. and i hope everyone that was displaced in that fire has a friend that will take them in.
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