Can you be more unhelpful please?

May 19, 2013 07:36

Yesterday I left the house (incredible, right?) to run errands and at Canadian Tire (who by the way has signs up indicating the department names that are written in three foot tall letters in French but can't find it in their heart to write the English translation in a six point font - fuck you guys! Key word: Canadian Tire. But come to think of it, maybe it's illegal here to post English shit in public, who the hell knows anymore?) and there was a flyer on the door with a photo of a lost dog, and the only information given other than a phone number, was the dog's name.

Now, I mean - really? Really? That's all you got? I'm thinking about how if I see a Maltese whatzit running loose, the first thing I'm going to do is ask, 'Hey, is your name Bambi, and did you run the hell away from your peoples?', because I'm totally down with helping this dog find her home, but perhaps ACTUAL USEFUL INFORMATION WOULD HELP ME HERE.

Maybe you could tell me what area of the city she was last seen fucking off. Maybe you can tell me if there's anything specific about her which will help me identify her. Maybe she's missing an ear, or she limps, or she's got a pink spot on her otherwise black nose.

People are just plain stupid.


I made a wreath.

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