Nothing to say but a fish just set up shop in my house.

Apr 03, 2013 16:59

Oh my God have you ever?

I sewed up this ridiculous fish with zipped lips because I saw one and had to have my very own for no apparent reason. I had found one of these guys around the internets and filed it away in my to do drawer and then promptly forgot about it.

Then yesterday, some fabric arrived from Taiwan and one piece in particular screamed FISH SCALES in my face and that made me remember my fish dream.

I have made a tutorial for you zippered fish pouch lovers here because as far as I know, there isn't a pattern or tutorial for these guys, or at least I couldn't find one.

I realize that I don't have much to say anymore and this journal has mostly turned into a place where I just dump my junk, but whatever. LJ feels like a ghost town and I miss the people who used to update on a regular basis but I stick with it because some of you *are* still sharing your shit and I like keeping tabs on y'all.

Maybe one day I will have stuff to say outside of my own head and I will bore you to tears and make you wish I would stick to dumping my junk even though that crap bores you to tears too.

In other news.

Mad Men! Any day now!

Is anyone else hoping Don cheats on Megan this season? Raise your Hamm!
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