Aug 12, 2012 17:10
First official day of unemployment - my last day was on a Thursday which traditionally is my Friday, so it didn't feel like anything had changed until this morning.
It was awesome for all about two hours. Not having to clean up any poop? Awesome! Forever not having to deal with some whiny, wealthy bro's privilege and entitlement? Someone break out the fucking confetti. (Strangely enough, most of the guys I took care of - twenty-somethings, like me - were of the trust fund baby or otherwise wealthy background persuasion. I don't understand why you would dump your kid into an agency just like that when you have the money and other means to cater to their disabilities, but then again, I do understand. But I digress.)
Eric's alarm went off so he could get up and go hiking with his friends. We have some sort of morning alarm routine.
Alarm goes off, loudly, for two minutes.
Me: Shut it off.
Eric: hrrrrgrrrlsnarfl
Me: *reaching out to jab him in the side* Dude. Your. Fucking. Alarm.
Eric: fajk;ldsfkja;sdka;skj
Eric hits snooze. The whole process repeats again next time the alarm goes off.
Sometimes I accidentally on purpose shove him off the bed.
I really like my sleep, okay?
I am slightly ashamed to admit that I managed to sleep for most of the day. I slept in, woke up covered in cats. I made something to eat, interneted for a little bit, and passed out on the couch because Reasons and woke up covered in cats. Now I'm reading Korra fanfic and admiring my newly painted blue nails and contemplating biking over to Jessica's house for cupcakes.
Shark Week cupcakes.
I might just get up and make noodles instead. It's been at least four hours since my last meal and I must admit, table flipping ala Liz Lemon seems mighty appealing to me when I'm hungry and there is no food.
Eric still isn't home. I really miss him.
I'm sure that by Wednesday I will be stark raving mad, probably salivating at the mouth from boredom. My apartment will look impeccably clean. I will have worked out so much that I won't know what else to do with myself. I might even be out of fanfic to read (of course I'll never be out of fic, but I'll sure be fic'd out). Anyone who knows me knows that leaving my ADHD-addled self in a state of boredom until the start of the fall quarter is just asking for some fuckery to happen.
(True story: the last quiet period of time I had like this was just before I got diagnosed and feeling like a jobless hobo. Hey, that was two years ago! I read through Hyperbole and a Half front and back and wondered why Allie Brosh sounded like someone I'd hit it off with really well and accidentally end up in jail overnight with. And then I got diagnosed and suddenly everything made sense.)
I might need intervention once I start building things out of toothpicks. For now, I'll settle finishing up paper macheing Fort Kittenmitten.
poster child for adhd,
a day in the life,
bored lin is bored,
bend at me bro,
squirrel on crack,
i have a crush on chocolate milk,
suuuuuuuuper adhd,
needs moar bourbon,
i accidentally the princess,
needs moar cock,
om nom nom food