I got a letter from the Boy Blunder in the post today! I’m so ridiculously excited; it really made my day! I am over the moon happy, super happy, nevermind that this is the Boy Blunder we’re talking about and that’s kinda pathetic! Let me have my silly happy for just this moment!
The letter reads:
Dear Dazzle,
Geez, this has been crazy so far. There’s plenty of screw-ups in this division, it’s hard for us to all work together as a team.
To be honest, a lot of this has been day-to-day stuff, 18 hours a day. I really wish I had more I could say about what I’m doing, but it’s usually this: wake up, put on uniform, clean up barracks, go to chow, come back, get changed, go to PT, come back, practice marching, go to chow, study (if we don’t screw up too much), collect laundry and distribute laundry, get letters, lights out (at this point, people have to go on watch and stuff, it sucks).
I’m sorry to hear about your job situation, it’s never easy (kinda why I joined the Navy), but something will come up, you’re definitely more qualified than most on the job market. [*snort* Is that a little brown on your nose, sir?]
I looked at the courses for your degree program… YIKES! I’m sure I’ll take a few [chemistry? hard to read sloppy, loopy boy scrawl], based science classes for breadth, but DANG! I forgot to mention how my quarter went academically: Theory A-, Lessons A, Math 102 C+ (stupid group projects), Counterpoint C, Orchestra A. My GPA took a small hit, but I can recover when I get back. You know I’ll always be proud of you in your accomplishments and the accomplishments you will make. I truly appreciate your continuing support for everything I do.
I must really thank you for keeping my mom company , I can only imagine how lonely she’s been in this whole situation, I’m really excited to see her at graduation when I get done, I know I’ll be in tears of joy [correction by me: crying manly tears of joy] when I do.
Wishing you all the best with friendly love,
PS: Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not a big soccer nut [should I be mildly offended? I’m only in it for the shirtless dudes, lol] I’ll write next Sunday :)
It’s kinda funny ‘cos I sent out a letter this morning with a segment that basically said, “For heavens sake, Jacob, please write back eventually so I have something to work from! PS GIMME YOUR SHOE SIZE SO I CAN START YOUR FREAKING CHRISTMAS SOCKS, ALRIGHT??” And then this came in the mail today. I was all, “Oh… good timing.”
My new phone also came in today. It’s red and sleek and shiny. Lisa suggested I name it Marilyn. I thought it brilliant. I have to wait until the fahjah comes home so we can activate it online, but oh man oh man. Finally I’ll be able to text/call people again without having to be attached to the wall! (The battery on my old phone is giving out. Pooh.)
Now, excuse me while I silly dance around the room.