Doggie woes & sinus sorrows & showbiz

Mar 28, 2007 11:54

We have had a miniature poodle for about 5 years now - he has a very annoying bark but is smart and a sweetheart. In the beginning of December we adopted a 8 week old labradoodle...same color as Oliver. We named her Princess Peach (yes, like in Mario)
Well, looks lioke she's gonna keep needing resuing as her namesake...she has epilepsy
I've seen 2 seizures yesterday from her, Rob cought one the other day that I was at a PTA thing making paper flowers for the family dance...I came home and took her to the vet...he can't find anything wrong with her. She had a lot more trouble breathing the last time aafter it was over. Guess it's med time for her...rats rats rats

At the same time I am dealing with a chronic sinus thing..had a CAT scan, its now a cyst that is pressing on my upper back teeth...I kept going to the dentist - now I gotta face the ENT....rats rats rats

The show I thought I was going to be doing on the net doesn't look like it's going I'm looking at other options...may have found one, and if all goes well will probly do a test broadcast this weekend. I'll post around about it :)
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