Friending Frenzy Time!

Jan 04, 2013 12:12

It’s that time! I'm hosting another friending frenzy!

Let’s shake lj up a little and have a friending frenzy! Many of us are unhappy with the dust bunnies floating around lj communities as well as the general quietness of lj. So if you’re looking for some new friends, here’s the place to meet up!

1. Post a brief introduction about who you are, how often you post, and what you typically post about. What makes you a good lj friend? What kind of lj friends are you looking to add? (etc.)

2. Link to this post (even if you personally are not looking for new lj friends!)

3. Ask your friends to link to it, too! Let's make it viral! (Note: I only have about 16 active friends on my list, so I do need your help here!)

Let's see how many people we can get to comment here, mingle with each other, and make some new friends!


And, I just heard of another friending frenzy post that is apparently getting much more traffic... here:

friending frenzy, public

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