Public Post - Add Me, grown-up addition

Feb 23, 2010 11:33

Public post so you can link it around!

Since so many of us are a bit disgruntled with the lack of lj participation lately... how about if we all do a short introduction?

I'll start. Just about everyone on my list is pretty open-minded...

People who post relatively often, who I think wouldn't mind having a few more lj friends:
9thmoon (Posts random thoughts about her day. She's of Libertarian and poly mindset, looks sexy shooting guns)
corto (Makes at least a daily post, usually makes me giggle and often makes me think. Married with 2 boys.)
drjeff (Psychologist who is enjoying life with kids and a hot girlfriend, admits to a bit of narcissism, rockin' photographer)
dstroy (Mom and jewelry designer, she posts good pictures often and posts about her day. I envy her chronicling of daily life and wish I could swing it)
ayoub (Sweet guy with a streak of bad boy in the mix, rockin' photographer, lives in UK, spreads his positive energy generously)
lisabella (Awesome girl and one of my oldest lj friends. She posts about her life and is doing the photo-a-day project. She also has 2 hilarious kitties)
machiavelli_f (A very interesting guy with a high profile job. Known to be stubborn. Fiercely loyal. 9thmoon's boyfriend, too)
popfiend (Posts often - comic strips, RPG stuff, funny stuff, but my favorite of his posts are the musing/random ones. He's a generous and kind soul)
wickedsin (One of my closest friends "in real life". She's witty, intelligent, and stronger than she realizes. She's going through a lot right now but is managing to stay the course)

If you're not on this list and you would like to be, let me know and I'll add you ;-)

So... who on your friends list is looking to add friends? Can you give a one-sentence statement about them? Introduce yourself in the comments here... tell some specific details about yourself and maybe make a new friend or 3!

friending frenzy, public

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