Despite the "Great Transit Nightmare of '05" yesterday, made it in time to catch Joss Stone at Masssey Hall. Damn that girl can SING. She was amazing!!
Just checked out this week's Watch With Kristin and gotta say there was some disturbing ideas that are being mentioned for our beloved Veronica Mars next season. If it happens, I will not be a happy camper.
The 411 on the Most Urgent 911s of the Coming Season
Veronica Mars: According to sources close to the show, Veronica's second-season pickup came with a suggestion: that producers try to pull in a broader audience closer in demographics to its new time-slot partner on UPN, America's Next Top Model. To do so, the idea was that Veronica should get a female companion, hopefully with a "name" (rumor has it they tossed around the name Tara Reid--though I choose not to believe that), an older love interest and, here comes the hard part, that producers scale back two characters close to Veronica (meaning, they won't be in every episode), and write off a third.
Hope you're sitting down. Because sources in the know tell me someone is getting killed off of Veronica Mars six episodes into the new season. And who it is will rip your heart into itty-bitty pieces.
Though I'm tempted to name this dead man walking so you can write in letters to help save this beloved character and actor, I've been promised a slow, torturous death inside a burning refrigerator if I do, for it will spoil a major upcoming plot point. Hmph.
So, I can only issue this plea to the Powers That Be: Please, if at all possible, do your best not to tinker with the core relationships and core identity of this show. Those of us who have followed and adored Veronica Mars from the very beginning know the trick is not in making this show "better" (it's already creative genius) or "more mainstream" (Kristen Bell is as universally likable as chocolate), but in simply getting the word out. Sure, that isn't easy, but we have mouths. We'll help!
Why must they tamper with a good thing! Veronica Mars' finale, and the show itself, was by far the best thing on TV this season. From the writing, to the acting, to the plots, this show has rarely stumbled, and I can't think of a show that has paid so much attention to detail and consistency.
Why does she need a female companion? Do we need scenes of her at the mall with someone? She had Lilly, and Lilly shouldn't be replaced. What made the latter part of the season so great was the friendship between Wallace and Veronica and the way it developed. Her friendships with Meg and Mac don't even come close. And Tara Reid? EWWW. I blame uber-producer Joel Silver. Has he learned nothing from the Paris Hilton stunt casting?
Why does she need another love interest in the first place? Aren't things interesting enough with the crazy love triangle with Duncan and Logan? I mean, there's no doubt that she isn't related to her first love and she turned her other one in for murder. Leo was older and older doesn't mean interesting. The chemistry with Logan and the history with Duncan already keep everyone invested. Why add characters no one is going to care about?
Don't even get me started on the cast cut backs. We see Weevil in passing as it is. I wonder who they feel is expendable. I mean write someone off the show? That's like writing one of the Scoobies off Buffy. You just go around cutting core characters. I certainly know Alias suffered once Francie and Will were gone.
WHY WHY WHY mess with a good thing! Thank your loyal views by sticking to what they love about the show in the first place. I know I worried about how they could possibly do a second season that would even come close to the first, but that doesn't mean creating a whole new dynamic on the show!
Looks like there may have to be another "Save Veronica Mars" campaign...this time from the creative clutches of network know-nothings!