
Apr 17, 2024 00:14

I admit, I was unsure if I really wanted Joseph when he came to me. I'd not chosen him and it wasn't a good time financially. However, I've really grown to love him and wouldn't be without him now.
He is incredibly sweet with an extra loud purr, good-natured with both human and cats, affectionate and smart. He is first to greet me when I come home. He has also matured very fast and is no longer acting like a wild kitten destroying everything.

His only naughty trait, if you could even call it that, is trying to escape from the enclosure. He finds ways undreamt of by me and the others, which will need fixing.e

My friends, who come to the house, all love him. The vicar's husband was showing him off to his grandson as proudly as if he were his cat!

If Joseph continues the same way, he will make a lovely cat. He is very long, so I suspect he will be huge like Harry. He's grown so much, I sometimes, at a glance mistake him for Filipos.

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