Church visits

May 15, 2011 20:44

I haven't posted any church-related stuff recently, and I thought I'd let everyone know how visiting other churches has been going. I'll take it week by week.

Grace Covenant Church: Grace is the closest Covenant church to our house, so we thought we'd check it out. It's close enough we can actually see out house from the parking lot. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming, and the sanctuary was beautlful. WAS. Before they put a projection screen over what I'm sure is a beautiful cross. The music was good, though very loud. The sermon was good, though Pastor Danny was a bit rambling. Overall, it would have been good, except that (1) most of the congregation was in their 80s or 90s, (2) the service was 2 hours long, and (3) they had nothing for kids to do. For TWO HOURS. Very friendly congregation, but we can't go through that every week.

Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church: We walked in and intstantly felt at home. FHP has 2 services, and of course we picked the one without anything for children. Overall, very good. We removed one chuch from our list (sorry, Lemon Grove Lutheran!) to revisit FHP during their family service. That'll be the last Sunday in the month.

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church: Strangely enough, the service started on time. I didn't think that was allowed in Episcopal chuches! Rick went to Children's Chapel and the kids all came back in during the Peace. (They were led in by an acolyte carrying a cross, and an adult was pointing out the the kids where their parents were sitting. I liked the symbolism of them being led by the cross.) I guess I've been away from the Episcopal church for a while - there was a certain amount of fumbling iwth the books on my part. But the service was nice and it looks like they have a lot of mission-type programs and an active youth program.

Next week, we're planning on going to Community Covenant Church, where our former pastor is now. I'm looking forward to seeing him again.
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