I'm back

Jan 24, 2015 01:53

My darling Kandi jumped up onto my lap and knocked my lap top off my lap finally destroying my already dodgy hard drive. Having enquired about repair costs I decided to claim against my household insurance and it was collected from my house about the first week in December It was returned just before Christmas. The problem was I had forgotten my passwords by then. No problem, I could get my gmail password changed via my mobile and the rest of them through that. Problem I couldn't find my mobile, never mind I would look for it after Christmas. But as the days went by the computer slowed down more and more and all I was doing on it was playing the built in games and reading Knitting Paradise, a knitting forum that you can read without being a member. So first working day after New year back it went and it came back a few days ago, corrupted driver was to blame. In the mean time I had spent the time I would have wasted on the net searching for my mobile and eventually found it in a handbag I had put into a bag of clothes I have shrunk out of that I was going to send to a charity shop. And I have a much tidier house. Back to time wasting and an untidy house.
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