Evil Dreams Pt 2a Nick/Monroe

Mar 23, 2013 19:56

Evil Dreams Part 2

Author: Linda92595

Fandom: Grimm

Pairing: Monroe/Nick

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: M/M sex, anal, oral, bottom Nick, Grimm-related violence, gore. Dub/con maybe? (I don’t know about dub/con since it is a dream sequence, but I’ll add it anyway)

Summary: Juliette leaves Nick and he falls into his work to forget. As a Grimm related case surfaces Nick seeks Monroe’s help, and the two make a startling discovery along the way.

Monroe was seated at the table in the hotel room when Nick finished with his shower. The older man seemed ill at ease and the Grimm wondered if he had said or done something in the throes of his dream that tipped Monroe to Nick’s state of mind. He flinched; that would certainly kill the easy camaraderie that the two shared, even if he wished that they could be more than friends.

Glancing up Monroe felt that the Grimm was oblivious to Monroe’s disquiet as he came back into the room pulling a blue tee-shirt over his head, and he hoped that Nick would stay that way. But hope died a quick miserable death when Nick paused looking straight at the older man. Finally huffing out a breath Nick sighed. Pulling to halt in the middle of the room he cocked his head, “Hey, are you feelin’ okay? You seem a little distracted.”

Taking a deep breath, and the proverbial bull by the horns the Blutbad shrugged, “Uh…I kinda had a dream last night.”

Now the younger man blinked, “That’s weird… me too.”

Now Monroe looked intrigued, “I kinda had a really revealing dream.”

“Maybe we should talk about it. It could be the Schlafen Fey.”

“Yeah, yeah…” the Blutbad said excitedly, “That’s gotta be it. I mean why else would I dream about…” he paused blushing furiously.

“About what?” Nick asked, and Monroe went back to shuffling in his seat nervously. Finally he collected himself enough to continue as Nick settled down on the bed beside him. Clearing his throat Monroe sighed.

“Well, see it was about us…I mean it was about the two of us walking in the woods. We were maybe looking for something…”

Now Nick pounced, “Yeah, for something or someone. My dream was like that too.”

“Then it’s gotta be more than a coincidence, Nick. If we dreamed the same thing I’d say the Schlafen Fey was making initial contact with us. Feeling out how it could use information against us.”

Nick nodded, “Okay I can see that, but what information?”

“They usually try going for something you fear or maybe something that causes you great emotional distress. They feed off strong emotion.”

Monroe could follow the train of thought as Nick put on his detective face, “Negative emotions, or just any strong emotions? Because, in these first cases, both people seemed to be caught in a nightmare. Mr. Gilford died of suffocation from being buried alive. His wife confirmed at his greatest fear was being buried alive to the extent that he wanted to be cremated when he died. And Betty Harper drowned.”

“Both of those cases were pretty negative emotions.” Monroe said doubtfully. Nick turned to him, nudging the older man in the side with an elbow.

“Did what you dream cause any negative emotions for you?”

Monroe blushed again, “No quiet to the contrary. I enjoyed my dream very much. I would enjoy what happened in my dream…if it happened in real life too. What about you Nick, would you enjoy what happened in your dream?”

Now it was Nick’s turn to blush, “I….uhmm…It would be kinda new for me. It’s something that I’ve never done before. I think I would want it but, I’m afraid I might lose something because I want it so much.”

Turning Monroe leaned down over the smaller man. Nick could feel the Blutbad’s warm breath tracing over his skin and he looked up caught in the other man’s warm brown eyes, “What did you dream Nick? Maybe I can help you find out what you’d lose or gain from it.”

“Monroe…” Nick hissed breath going out of his body in one long sibilant sigh, “I dreamed that we were walking in the forest. Well, that I was walking and you were out there somewhere but I couldn’t see you at first.”

“Yeah, but I was out there looking for you, that I was coming for you…That I wanted to come for you.”

Monroe added closing his eyes. Nick‘s nod was barely perceptible. Monroe opened his eyes leaning forward. Nick leaned up catching the faint warm scent of the other man, letting the Blutbad’s warm breath ghost over his cheek and then his lips.

Suddenly Nick’s cell phone went off causing both men to startle. Gulping Monroe shot up off the bed pacing a few steps away as the detective fished his phone out of his jean’s and clicked it on with an annoyed look on his face.

The Blutbad could hear the sound of Nick’s partner on the other end of the phone. Moving away he tried not to eavesdrop on Nick’s call, but he also felt an irrational surge of jealousy that the other man had Nick’s…his Nick’s…attention now. When the mercifully brief conversation was over the detective tucked his phone away. Monroe waited patiently as the other man gathered his thoughts.

“That was Hank. He signed us up for some kind of workshop today. You know to get us out there and more visible for the killer.”

“Oh goody,” Monroe said rolling his eyes. “You’re a Grimm and I’m a Blutbad; that’s Just what we need… to be more visible.”

Snickering Nick smacked him on the arm, “I don’t think that was what Hank was thinking about when he did it. I think he was doing his job and assisting us in the performing of our duty to the department.”

Nick’s smug expression faltered when he and Monroe actually made it downstairs to the event planner and checked their names out on the huge white board propped in one corner on an easel. Monroe sauntered over to the board and ran his finger down the list. He shot Nick a grin. There in teal marker was both their names under the dubious heading of Kouple’s Kitchen Klatch. Blinking the Grimm sighed. Fishing his cell phone out of his pocket Nick quickly punched in his partner’s number. Hank was already laughing when he answered. Nick grunted, “Someday…somehow, when you least expect it…expected it!” he said.

Hank chuckled, “Yeah…yeah promises, promises. You and the big guy enjoy!”

Sourly Nick eyed the board then traced his finger along the line to their assigned conference room number. Monroe trudged along behind his friend as they made their way to the class. The room they entered was a large kitchen with multiple stations all gleaming stainless steel and granite counter tops. Monroe looked around appreciatively, “Hey maybe this won’t be so bad. Looks neat and clean. And it certainly looks well stocked.”

The look that the Blutbad shot him was so hopeful that Nick decided to bite the proverbial bullet and get with the program. Until he saw the instructor, a buxom twenty-something who was perkier at seven fifteen in the morning than any person had a right to be. She looked so young and freshly scrubbed that she made him feel like an old man at the ripe old age of twenty-nine.

She honed in on Nick right away the smile on her face brightening into a blinding grin. Monroe huffed feeling his hackles rise at the look she was giving the other man. Unobtrusively he stepped a little closer. The girl caught the movement sliding to a halt, her grin faltered just a bit then brightened to her hundred watt smile. Quickly she consulted the tablet in her hands, “And you are…Nick Burkhart and Eddie Monroe?”

Nick smiled, “Yeah…I’m Nick and this is, well…Monroe.”

She giggled fetchingly, and the Blutbad rolled his eyes, “You call him Monroe?”

Elbowing his way between Nick and the girl Monroe shot her a toothy smile, “Everybody calls me Monroe, except the people who have to call me MR. MONROE.”

Nick kicked him in the shin and the taller man growled. But the girl swallowed hard, “Uhhh, well I’m Katie. I’ll show you to your work station.”

“Jeeze Monroe, if you want to stake a claim maybe you should just piss on me.”

“If I did…you’d like it.” Monroe leaned down hissing in Nick’s ear. The detective felt a shiver crawl the length of his spine.

Suddenly the look on Katie’s face changed, understanding dawning bright and clear as she uttered a disgruntled snort and led the two men to their cooking station. The rest of the room was filled with other couples standing behind the kitchen counters and stoves in varying degrees of interest. Most of the men seemed ill at ease unlike Monroe who took in the state-of-the-art cooktop with glee.

Sighing Nick sidled up to the taller man watching as Monroe bent and twisted pulling out pans with abandon. At least one of them was happy. Katie took her place at the front of the room smiling widely.

As he glanced around Nick sized up the other couples participating. He saw two Eisbibers, middle-aged and chubby. The husband glanced at him nervously at first, but the wife just nudged her spouse in the ribs whispering something in his ear. After that the male relaxed even going so far as to offer the Grimm a tight, but sincere, smile.

The other couples were human, with the exception of one bird-like Wesen and a human woman. He seemed oblivious to Nick’s presence, but very wary of the Blutbad. Nick snickered to himself; out of the two of them he was far more of a danger than Monroe would ever be.

As the Blutbad settled in behind the stove he glanced at Nick. Seeing the expression on the Grimm’s face he leaned over grasping at one of the pans, “Anybody ping your Grimm radar?”

With a sigh Nick shook his head, “A few of the usual suspects, nothin’ big or dangerous.”

“Besides me?” Monroe asked batting his eyelashes. Nick uttered a half chuckle. Monroe shrugged, “Well, I tried.”

“Yeah, this may take a couple of days, As much as I hate it we just might have to wait until our perp makes his next move.”

“Our perp?” Monroe breathed, “Wow that’s sounds just like something out of a TV show.”

Now Nick laughed wholeheartedly drawing some startled or disgruntled looks from the people around them. Leaning in he whispered to the other man, “Oh please that stuff on TV is all crap!”

As the instructor began her lecture the detective just found himself vaguely following along, trying to stay out of Monroe’s way as the older man got whole-heartedly into the process of making some complicated vegan dish. Nick sometimes wished that he could enjoy a honking big porterhouse steak the way he used to, but considering just what Monroe would have to give up it seemed like a small sacrifice to make for domestic bliss.

That thought startled Nick, could this be domestic bliss, and could he have that with the man… creature… standing beside him. Casting a casual glance at the Blutbad and the dopey smile on his face Nick felt himself falling into Monroe’s orbit, standing a bit closer than was necessary soaking up the warmth of his body and the causal yet determined way the other man leaned into Nick’s space, seemed to want to be close to the Grimm, despite knowing who and what he was. And Nick wanted that with Monroe in spite of the danger of being close to a predator like a Blutbad, and Nick had no illusions that Monroe had once been a predator, even the other Wesen in the room silently acknowledged that.

So they stood together Monroe’s brow wrinkled in concentration as he mixed and poured and swapped out pans in the over, and Nick fumbling through passing pans and ingredients and just feeling the tension drain out of his body like water pouring through a sieve.

By the time the class was over and all the participants were seated at tables watching as college kids who worked as waiters moved around the room dishing up the meals Nick had lost some the wariness he felt earlier that morning. This thing with Monroe might just be the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he felt some of the anger and sorrow at the end of his relationship with Juliette passing. Now they just had to find this Schlafen Fey and kill the damned thing, or at least get it into custody.

Although Nick needed to discuss this with Monroe; if these creatures could walk through anybody’s dreams from anywhere, was it safe to just imprison it. Couldn’t it just keep up the killing spree from inside a cell? As much as he hated killing this might be one of those cases where it was the only way.

By the end of the meal Monroe leaned over the table, glass of wine tilting precariously, smiling at the younger man. Nick grinned in return, “Monroe sit up you’re sloshing all over the place.”

“I am not sloshed, I’m just feeling a little relaxed,”

Chuckling Nick reached over taking Monroe’s glass, “You are so drunk.”

“Drunk enough to do this,” the Blutbad said grasping Nick by the wrist pulling him forward across the table. Nick panicked slightly when it looked like he was going to tip the dishes into the floor so he dug in his heels and skidded to a halt, bent low. Monroe raised the Grimm’s hand grazing his own stubbly cheeks with the tips of Nick’s fingers before pressing his lips to the younger man’s palm. Nick flushed clearing his throat as Katie sailed by their table under full steam. Offering Nick a little pout she clucked her tongue.

“Now gentlemen, how can you appreciate the food doing that?” she said good-naturedly. But her eyes were cold. Nick felt a shiver creep over him. Shaking himself Nick disentangled his hand from Monroe’s ignoring the Blutbad’s miffed expression. Jerking his chin in the young woman’s direction Nick leaned in causing Monroe to do the same. Nick sighed.

“I keep getting a weird feeling every time Katie there wanders over here. But she doesn’t show up on my Grimm radar. I get no readings from her, no underlying Wesen characteristics.”

Cocking his head Monroe frowned, “I’ve never directly seen or dealt with a Schlafen Fey before. Maybe they don’t have any ‘underlying Wesen characteristics’. I mean what if they look completely human…at least in the waking world. “

“That’s gonna make this way harder. I’m use to ‘seeing’ a Wesen for what it actually looks like, at least when they slip up and let me. If these creatures look human all the time there’s nothing for me to go on, no way to track them.”

“I’m not saying that’s true. I mean maybe Katie isn’t even the Schlafen Fey…maybe she’s just a creepy stalker chick.”

Nick shot him the ‘look’, “That makes me feel so much better, Monroe.”
Part Two B: http://linda92595.livejournal.com/82967.html
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