Evil Dreams Pt 1a Grimm, Nick/Monroe

Dec 27, 2012 13:24

Once again Sergeant Wu was standing in a parking lot waiting for the detectives to arrive. As he stood he contemplated exactly how many times he had done this very same thing. Unfortunately his musing was cut short by the appearance of the unmarked patrol car pulling up in the space beside the victim’s blue Chevrolet.

Hank Griffin and Nick Burckhardt strolled around the parked vehicle glancing at the sheet covered form. Wu stepped back lifting the drape and motioning at the woman’s body lying across the driver’s side seat, hands still resting firmly on the steering sheet. “Wait until you get a look at this.”

Nick stooped over taking the corner of the sheet from the officer, “She looks damp.”

“Damnedest thing,” Wu said shaking his head. “The inside of the car is bone dry. It must be at least one hundred in there, but the body was almost waterlogged.”

“What!” Hank exclaimed, “You’re kidding me?”

Shrugging Wu grinned at him, “I told you…damnedest thing. I’ve seen a lot of those lately, though.”

“Tell me about it,” Nick muttered.

Hank leaned over his partner’s shoulder grimacing at the soggy swampy smell rising from the corpse. Clapping a hand on Nick’s shoulder he grinned, “I think I’ll mosey into the office and see if they have security cameras in this area of the parking lot.”

Nick shot him a glare, “This end is the public lot, and I doubt it.”

Grinning his partner waggled his eyebrows, “It doesn’t hurt to ask.”

“Fine,” Nick said drily, “I’ll just wait here for the coroner’s wagon to show.”

He didn’t have that long a time to wait, and Hank appeared just as the modified hearse moved slowly out of the parking lot. The two detectives climbed into the car and followed along. Hank shrugged as Nick pulled into traffic and offered his partner an apologetic look, “I spoke to the manager of the resort. Just like you thought that end of the parking lot is public so the resort security doesn’t have any surveillance cameras located there. Although I don’t see how we can classify this as murder. How does someone drown a person in a parked car? In broad daylight miles from any water.”

Shrugging nick frowned, “I suppose they could have drowned her somewhere else and brought the body back to the car. But the seats and carpets should have been wet. And there was no water anywhere in that car.”

Hank glanced at him, “So where does that get us?”

“Nowhere, pretty damned fast.”


The resounding knock on his front door caused Monroe to jump in his seat. With an angry mutter the blutbad flicked the remote turning the volume on the TV down as he rose ambling to the front door. Nick was standing on the stoop with a grin on his face and a paper bag in his hand. He held the bag aloft, “I brought veggie burgers from Dooley’s.  Have you had lunch yet?”

Sniffing the bag the blutbad’s stomach rumbled. Quickly he cast a glance over his shoulder catching half the flickering image on the television screen before standing aside vaguely motioning the Grimm inside, “Come on before it gets started.”

Nick blinked, “What gets started?” he asked casting a glance over his shoulder as if he expected all hell to break loose in the streets. Monroe grumbled under his breath scurrying into the living room, “You know where the plates are, dish it up. I’ll get the sound turned up.”

“Sound turned up on what?”

Now the blutbad look seriously aggrieved, “My show.”

“What?” Nick said wandering out of the kitchen with two plates of food balanced precariously over his arm, and two bottles of soda. “I would have gotten beer but I’m still on duty until five.”

“Shh,” Monroe said accepting the plate while sliding over to make room for the younger man on the sofa. Nick sighed and the blutbad rolled his eyes, “It’s my story.”

“Your what?”

“The Young and the Hopeless. It’s on everyday at one o’clock.”  Monroe said with a grin. “I love Duke and Laurie. You should have seen their wedding last year.”

“You do realize I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Jeeze, Nick what have you been doing for the last fifteen years?”

Blinking Nick grinned, “Uhh, something productive with my life?”

They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes eating while Monroe hung raptly on every word coming out of the television. Nick sat in amazed silence trying to following the convoluted story issuing from the screen. Finally he gave up in favor of savoring his meal. When the blutbad had also eaten his lunch and was casually scrounging fries off of the detective’s plate Nick turned.

“There was another killing at the resort today. A woman drowned in a close car, miles from any water. Can these sleep fairies attack in daylight?”

Monroe cocked an eyebrow, “Sure…why not. They can attack anytime you sleep. Usually they spend a few days feeling a person out. Going into their dreams and looking over the lay of the land. Then when they get ready to feed they go for the kill.”

Nick frowned, “So this dream killing serves a purpose for them?”

Monroe nodded, “Yeah they feed on fear. And what better way to get a good meal than with what a person fears most.”

“So David Gilford was afraid of being buried alive, and Betty Harper was afraid of drowning? Makes sense that they would go for that in a nightmare. People have less control over their dreams.”

“Bingo,” the blutbad said grimacing. “The real bitch is that once they have you targeted they can link you to someone else in your life and go for broke. Two kills at once is sort of a Schlafen Fey double header. It’s what they live for.”

Nick sighed, “That is a bitch. How do you fight them?”

“Don’t know, didn’t your Aunt have anything about that in her magic trailer?”

Shaking his head the detective shrugged, “Nada. Zilch…it seems like these guys are pretty rare.”

“That and the fact that almost no one survives an attack. You have to get them in the dream world and not many people can do that.”

“Once they start entering your dreams you can prepare for it though, right?”

“The problem is most people don’t realize that the Schlafen Fey is in their dreams right away.”


Captain Renard was waiting for the two detectives as they entered the squad room. Nick couldn’t help but imagine an enormous spider waiting patiently in its web for some hapless fly to buzz right in, and he and Hank were the flies. Renard smiled at the younger of the two men almost as if he knew what Nick was thinking.  Flushing Nick followed the captain into his office.

Renard waved the two men into seats then folded his hands in front o him, smiling silently. “These two recent homicide cases have come to the attention of the media. And that never bodes well for us.”

Hank nodded silently and the captain continued, “So I’ve decided to be  a little more proactive in this investigation, just so we can stave off any panic amongst the general populace.”

Frowning Nick narrowed his eyes, “Proactive how?”

Renard smiled again. “Proactive, as in undercover.”

Hank snorted, “Undercover…is someone at the resort a suspect because I haven’t seen anything that leads to that conclusion.”

Renard shrugged, “Both deaths occurred at the resort if Betty Harper’s death in the parking lot still counts as being part of the resort. I have a feeling that our perp is someone attached to the resort in some way. So I’m sending one of you undercover to stay at the resort for a few days.”

Hank frowned now, “I’ve talked to the manager several times. He knows me as a detective.”

“So that leaves Nick.”

“Wait…what?” the younger man said glaring at his partner. “I’ll still need backup.”

Renard shrugged, “How about your civilian consultant.”

“Monroe?” Nick said. And the captain nodded.

“I believe that you have used him as ‘unofficial’ backup before. Might as well get him officially on the payroll. He seems to be pretty knowledgeable.”

Swallowing hard Nick offered the captain a weak grin, “Yeah sure.”


The blutbad was at the door by the time Nick had pulled his car into the driveway. Monroe stood arms folded across his chest watching the younger man’s progress up the driveway to the porch. Nick shot him a grin as he pulled to a halt.

Monroe sighed, “If you spend any more time over here the neighbors are going to think we’re dating.”

“Funny you should say that,” Nick said blushing furiously. Cocking an eyebrow, he motioned the other man inside. Narrowing his eyes Monroe stepped aside following the Grimm into the house.


As Nick’s truck pulled into the public parking lot at the resort complex Monroe was giving the Grimm a sullen look. Nick cleared his throat but before he could speak the Blutbad held up a hand.

“We’ve been over this a million times, Nick.” Monroe hissed in an aggrieved tone of voice. “I don’t think that you truly appreciate just how dangerous Schlafen Fey really are. We might be under attack and not even notice it. At least not until it’s too late.”

The Grimm sighed, “Well, what do you suggest we do? Just ignore it until it goes away.”

“Historically, yeah, that just how people have dealt with this.”

“Well,” Nick said, “Then it’s time to change history.”


By the time that Monroe had gathered his belongings for the trip and then the two men had swung by Nick’s place for his clothing and personal effects it was well past dinnertime. As if to delay the inevitable they drove to the closest restaurant and had a leisurely meal then a short stop to a nearby bar for a quick drink. The quick drink turned into a couple of beers and a prolonged game of darts with a couple of Eisbeiber who were by turns enthralled and terrified of the Grimm and his Blutbad associate.

When neither Nick nor Monroe could conceivably think of anything else to delay their trip to the resort they trudged out to Nick’s truck and headed across town. The late night traffic added twenty minutes to their stalling but finally they pulled into the parking lot, gathered their bags and hightailed it to the lobby.

The clerk at the desk of the resort looked up as the two m en approached her. She flicked her eyes over the taller man feeling unsettled at his lumber-jack like plaid shirt and full scruffy beard. But the other man, smaller, pale skinned and such gorgeous blue, blue eyes.

Nick sauntered forward tossing the clerk a toothsome smile and she preened. Casting a glance over his shoulder Nick waggled his eyebrows. Monroe just rolled his own eyes. Clearing her throat the clerk captured Nick’s attention and the Grimm sighed glancing down at her nametag.

Stretching her shoulder so that her breast seemed even perkier the girl said, “Hello gentlemen how may I help you?”

“Uh, Kelly…I’m Nick Burkhart and this is my partner Eddie Monroe.  We have a reservation for a suite for the convention.”

Her face fell at the same time that her breast deflated slightly, but she gamely carried on, “Let me just look at the registration book.”

The book turned out not to be a book at all but the computer table on the counter in front of her. She flicked a finger across the screen then smiled up at both men, “Yes I see it right here.”

Picking up a stylus she shoved the table at Nick, “Please sign here and I’ll get you your keys.”

Scrawling his name across the screen Nick waited patiently as Kelly returned with two key cards. He accepted them both then shoved one at Monroe. The Blutbad fumbled with it for a moment then tucked it into his pocket. The girl narrowed her eyes at him and Monroe snorted. Quickly she scanned the floor looking at their meager luggage, “Do you need a redcap to help you with your things?”

Monroe hurriedly picked up both bags slinging Nick’s duffle over his shoulder and taking a firm grip on his own small suitcase, “Naw I think I’ve got it. Ready to go…sweetheart?”

Nick flinched then turning shooting the taller man a blinding smile and Monroe swallowed hard.

They found their room at the end of the hall on the third floor. It was a basic suite with a queen-sized bed tastefully dressed in white linen and a thick white duvet. Across the room from the bed were a small seating area with a sofa and two arm chairs facing a television cabinet and the mini-bar refrigerator. On the opposite wall was the large bay window. On the other side of the room was to door to the en-suite bathroom.

Monroe whistled appreciatively, “Well, at least the department doesn’t skimp on the accommodations.”

Nick sighed looking from the bed to the Blutbad and back again; quickly dumping the contents of his bag on the sofa the Grimm called out, “Dibs on first shower.”

He fled the room leaving a disgruntled Monroe to careful fold the detective’s clothes into dresser drawers while simultaneously unpacking his own things.

Nick was asleep by the time Monroe had finished his own nightly ritual of teeth brushing, humming tunelessly to himself in the shower and rigorously drying his hair with one of the warm fluffy hotel towels.

Cautiously he peeked out of the bathroom and when he was satisfied that the Grimm was in fact dead to the world he hurried across the room pulled the covers down and slipped into the bed. Their unfortunate difference in height meant that the Blutbad was now laying with his head just above Nick’s and every time Monroe breathed he got a snout full of the younger man’s war, enticing scent.

Monroe shuffled on the bed settling down. Even with his back turned he could still smell the other man. Nick’s warm scent slipped deeper and deeper into the blutbad’s senses stirring something inside him, something better left undisturbed. Finally, Monroe drifted off to sleep. And suddenly he found himself standing in the middle of a small clearing deep in the forest.

Moonlight bathed the tall pines surrounding him and Monroe cocked his head back looking up at the pale gray and lavender sky. A breeze drifted through the underbrush causing it to rustle and he jerked around sniffing at the air.

A soft, sweet scent was carried on the breeze making Monroe’s voice rumble in his chest. He sighed. The warmth of the night air and that pervasive scent made the blutbad’s blood run just a tiny bit hotter. He shivered despite the sultry heat. Quickly Monroe began stripping out of his clothing until he was gloriously naked under the full moon.

From somewhere behind him the wind rustled again sounding almost like a silky whisper. The voice trembled over Monroe’s limbs driving itself deep into his brain, “You know what you want. What you truly desire. Give in…give in to your instincts.”

“Yeah,” Monroe replied. The transition came without conscious thought. And the wolf ran.

Somewhere from up ahead of him a twig snapped, and Monroe flinched at the sound of it. Then his lips pulled back in his snout and he grinned. Panting the blutbad stilled for a moment and his ears pricked forward catching the sound of shuffling feet. The hunt was on.

Barreling through the underbrush Monroe caught sight of a lithe form on the trail ahead of him. The figure was smaller, but definitely male. And the scent was more than familiar. He leapt forward bringing his hands up and caught the figure by the waist swinging him around.

Nick’s eyes were wide and fearful as he was manhandled and he brought a fist up. But his shoulders slumped when he got a good look at his assailant. “Monroe, what are you doing? Dude, we need to keep a look out for this thing.”

“Maybe you’re lookin’ for the wrong ‘thing’, Grimm.”

“What?” Nick asked weakly trying to pull away, put some distance between himself and the blutbad. “Come on, don’t mess around. We’re runnin’ outta time here, Monroe.”

A growl rumbled low in the blutbad’s chest and he lunged forward seizing the younger man by the wrists. Then he jerked Nick around until the Grimm’s back was pressed against Monroe’s chest. With one hand wrapped around Nick’s waist the Blutbad grabbed the neck of his leather jacket tugging it down his arms. Nick’s shoulders were jerked back arms flailing with the pressure of having the garment forcible pulled off.

“Oww,” the Grimm objected, “Cut it out. Be careful with that…what’s the hell the matter with you anyway?”

“Don’t worry its fine.” Monroe said tossing the coat over his shoulder.  His big hand scrabbled at the waistband of the smaller man’s jeans, tugging at the button. Nick jerked away managing to pull free but the claws of Monroe’s left hand raked over the thigh of his pants leaving frayed material in their wake.

Quickly the blutbad pulled Nick’s wrists up over his head holding both in one large, warm palm. With the other hand he tugged Nick’s jeans open pushing them and his boxers down to the knee. Nick yelped in surprise at his sudden and swift partial disrobing, “What the hell, Monroe!”

His outraged cry was muffled when the larger, bulkier body of the older man pressed in close behind him. Growling deep in his throat Monroe slid a knee between Nick’s thighs parting his legs abruptly. The smaller man began struggling in earnest then. But it had all the effects of a minnow buffeting against a shark. And the blutbad grinned nosing the other man’s hair; breathing his scent deeply.

Leaning forward Monroe pushed Nick down, using his greater weight and strength to force the younger man onto his knees. Nick reared back trying to buck the other man off him, and Monroe issued a low rumbling growl, “You’re only making this harder on yourself. I like it when you fight.”

With the fingers of one hand digging painfully into the Grimm’s shoulder and the others wrapped firmly around his waist Monroe dug both of own knees into the ground using the momentum to push his thick, leaking cock into the crease of Nick’s ass.

Now the Grimm uttered a panicked grunt scrambling both hands over the hard packed earth trying to pull himself out from under the blutbad. Chuckling Monroe gripped his shoulder harder and drove forward. Fortunately for the Grimm, in his transformed state Monroe’s dick came out of its protective foreskin glisten with pre-come, easing his entry. Nick stilled cried out from shock, and pain. And the wolf inside Monroe howled.

Monroe pulled out and thrust back inside the younger man feeling his eyes roll up in his head from the pure raw pleasure. Nick grunted and Monroe reached around long, slender fingers finding the younger man’s cock, stroking over it one then twice. Too his surprise and glee Nick groaned low in own throat, panting. Then Monroe grasped Nick’s cock giving it a gentle tug. Nick’s back went rigid and he moaned swelling in the Blutbad’s hand.  “Oh…God! Monroe,” Nick whimpered.

Monroe closed his eyes shivering as the wolf sprang free. He drove himself forward, thrusting in and out of the smaller body with abandon. Gasping and panting he barely was aware enough to keep his hand wrapped around the younger man’s dick. Nick moaned thrusting back and Monroe rocked behind him, driving in hard enough to lift the other man off his knees. The rough thrusting reached a peak and Monroe was coming; a howl splitting the night air. From somewhere in the back of his mind the blutbad was vaguely aware of the fact that his hand was still moving over Nick’s cock. Then the younger man stiffened crying out and a warm wet heat was spilling over Monroe’s fingers.

Weakness flooded Monroe’s body and he fell forward bearing Nick to the ground beneath him. The Grimm uttered one slightly incensed squawk then jabbed an elbow into the larger man’s ribs. Grumbling under his breath the blutbad rolled to the side pulling Nick in tightly against him, letting his eyes droop closed.

When Monroe became aware again he realized two things. One his body was fully relaxed for the first time in months, a slow languorous feeling spreading from the tips of his toes to the top of his head, and secondly that as his hand slid out from under his chin he wasn’t laying on some leaf-strewn forest floor, but a firm cotton covered mattress. He was in a bed, the same bed he had shared with Nick the night before. It had been a dream.  Sighing Monroe closed his eyes briefly, inordinately grateful, and yet somehow disappointed that the night’s activities had all been a dream.

And yet Monroe took stock of himself as he slipped out of bed. His body felt like he had run five miles, tee-shirt sticking to his skin still half soaked in sweat, pajama pants pushed down.  And he felt thoroughly fucked out.  Casting a glance over his shoulder the blutbad quickly rummaged through his bag for clean underwear, then stalked quietly to the bathroom for a shower.

Nick awakened slowly, rolling over. Every muscle in his body was sore, from his shoulders to his ass. He tugged at the tee-shirt he was wearing looking at the long scratches marring his skin. Wincing the Grimm sat up. The scratches were pale pink in the early morning sunlight, not deep enough to require medical attention and Nick wondered how he had acquired them. Then he rolled around on the bed grimacing as his boxers pulled at the thin line of hair trailing down from his navel to his groin. The material was crusted over, sticking to his skin, and the Grimm flushed. He had dreamed…about Monroe.

God! He’d had a wet dream about Monroe!  Crap, Nick hunched over elbows on his knees, his head resting in his hands. He had dreamed that Monroe chased him in the woods last night. Chased Nick and caught him and done terrible, delicious things to him in the forest under the silvery moonlight.

Sighing Nick rubbed at his back trying to forget the feeling of terror and delight that the chase had caused in him. Monroe was his friend, and Nick was ashamed to have had such a dream, and as Monroe appeared fleshly showered Nick pulled his clothes out his pack tossing his friend a pained grin then ran for the sanctuary of the bathroom. Still as he washed away all the evidence of his guilty dream Nick couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that it hadn’t been real.

Part two…coming soon

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