The Future of Things to Come Pt FRAO

May 07, 2007 16:05

The Future of Things to Come Pt 4

Fandom: Supernatural

Pairings: John/Bobby, John/Demon Dean, John/OMC, Demon Dean/OFC (this chapter)

Rating: FRAO

Warnings: M/M sex, Rape (Demon Dean/John), violence, coerced sex, drug use, domestic abuse, dark themes.

Summary: Two years after Dean becomes a human/demon hybrid and starts aiding demons in taking over the world John blows up a building with Dean and his followers in it. John goes back to hunting thinking that he and Sam are safe, Dean is dead  and the demon take over is finished.  This story takes place six months later.

John stood in the auditorium of the community college looking at the various crates that the movers were hauling in from trucks parked in the lot. He sighed looking over the shipping labels stapled to a manifest. Terri Watterson was hustling back and forth collecting the labels and bringing them back to where John stood. In the past two months his relationship with Terri had changed dramatically from that first angry meeting.

When John had reluctantly showed up for the planning committee meeting the morning after his and Dean’s dinner at the Watterson’s house he had noticed that Terri was sullen and quiet. Once they finally got down to talking John could see the strained expression on her face every time she sat down. He understood that pain, knew from experience that she was hiding bruises under her clothes. When he offered her sympathy and not derision she had warmed to him considerably. They had found some common ground, even if it was only from being abused by their respective mates.

Checking his watch he waved the younger woman over. She plunked the last few labels down on the clipboard that John carried, smiling at him from under her wilting bangs. John grinned in return, pushing her hair away from her face and producing a bottle of diet Coke. She took it gratefully.

"Well," she said, "That's all the boxes. Now we've got to get this stuff set up and get the lighting done before the auction."

John sighed. "We're cutting it close. Why isn't Marla Burke here, she was at the planning meeting."

"I don't know, but its six fifteen. I'm calling it a day. Do you need a ride back to your place, John? I go right by there."

"No my driver is outside with the car. Poor guy's been working with the movers all afternoon. I'm just going to get washed up and hit the road myself. Dean's in the city so I'm spending a quiet might at home."

The one good thing that had come out of John’s apparent cooperation was the freedom Dean had given him. Dean had spent the first two weeks after he found John constantly keeping tabs on his father's whereabouts. But now Dean was gone, two or three nights a week, sometimes in New York, sometimes in Vegas.

"You can come over and spend a quiet night at home with me and Harry. He'd love the company, somebody to talk to."

Her face fell and John patted her shoulder.

"I don't have anything to talk about with Harry either. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm some kind of a freak. He only tolerates me because I sleep with one of his high campaign contributors."

Terri shook her head.

"That's not true. He likes you. He's just worried about Dean's reaction to Pete Harrison, and his tendency to feel you up every time he's around you."

John laughed.

"Well, I don't worry about it. See you tomorrow."

Dylan was waiting at the car when John finally appeared. He smiled and opened the door. Once John was settled in the rear seat Dylan put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot. They turned onto the road headed back to the house when John leaned forward.

"Dylan let's take the scenic route down Old Essex Road."

"Certainly Mr. Winchester," the other man said softly.

The car sped down the street and turned right onto an older, more sparsely built street. After a few minutes the buildings became more isolated until the road wound past unbroken landscaping. As they turned a bend in the road a large lake came into view. John leaned forward again, tapping the back of the seat.

"Pull into the park. I thought we might take a little walk around the lake."

Dylan pulled the car into the parking lot for the recreation center located on the south shore of the lake and parked in one of the shadowy spots beneath the hanging willow boughs. There were only a few more cars parked in the lot and no one in sight. The sun had set and John glanced at his watch.  It was only seven o'clock, still a couple of hours before Dean would call the house to talk to him. Dylan came around the car to the passenger side and opened the door.

Instead of helping John out he slid into the seat that John vacated pulling the door closed behind him. John turned to face the other man. Dylan reached out stroking John's cheek. John moved into his arms and Dylan pressed his lips to John's.  John groaned softly under his breath as the other man tugged his shirt out of his jeans. Dylan's hand stroked over John's back then popped the buttons on his fly. John shifted in the seat raising part way until Dylan could pull his jeans and underpants down.

Quickly John unsnapped the other man's trousers, pulling his fly apart until his fingers contacted the silky smooth skin of Dylan's hard cock. Dylan uttered a growl pushing John down onto the seat.

"Oh God, John. This is so good; I want to fuck you, please."

John pulled his mouth away from Dylan's throat.

"You can't; Dean would be able to tell. Here lay down on me."

Dylan slid down in the seat, pressing his knees between John's thighs, and then dropped down until his cock slid against the other man's. John moaned again. Dylan raised his hips up slightly, rocking, pressing their flesh together until John uttered a shout and came. Dylan's hips pumped in a steady rhythm until he spilled his seed over John's belly. They lay entwined together for a few moments until, reluctantly, Dylan sat up looking over the seat to be sure that no one was around. When he saw that the parking lot was empty he reached into the floor for tissues and wiped them both off.

Pulling his trousers up Dylan fastened his fly and pushed the door open. While the other man walked around the car and got into the driver's seat, John cleaned himself up as best he could then sat up.

Caroline offered John an odd look as he slipped quietly into the house, and headed upstairs immediately, for a shower. She walked over to the door waiting for Dylan to come inside then corralled the younger man.

"Why are you so late? I know the gallery closed up at six-thirty, it's almost eight."

Dylan shrugged.

"Mr. Winchester wanted to take a walk at the recreation center by Lake Mead. You know he likes to exercise. He told me that the other Mr. Winchester usually called at nine, and we're here in plenty of time."

She sniffed shaking her head.

"You know how fond I am of the younger Mr. Winchester; I don't like him being disappointed. You will make sure that John is here on time every evening or I will speak to Mr. Winchester about these 'side trips' that you and John always seem to be taking."

Dylan frowned.

"What are you implying Caroline because I understand what my job is and I do it very well. I am supposed to drive John and make sure that nothing happens to him. I do that every single time we go out. He's always back here safe."

"I suppose…," she said softly then patted his arm."I'm sorry Dylan; I just know how much John means to Mr. Winchester.  It would destroy that young man if anything were to happen to him. Anything at all. I'm going to take John's dinner up to the bedroom; you can eat at the breakfast table."

Caroline pushed the teacart out of the service elevator and headed down the corridor to the master bedroom. She knocked on the door and John's voice beckoned her in. Caroline pushed the cart over to the bed just as the phone rang. John hurriedly answered. The smooth voice on the other end sent a chill down his spine but he smiled for his audience although she was pretending not to be listening.

"Dean, how's the city?" John said tucking the phone under his cheek and motioning for Caroline to put the tray on the writing desk beside the phone. "Are you coming home tonight? Oh, tomorrow, of course I miss you. No, I'm keeping pretty busy. Terri Watterson and I took delivery on all the items for the art auction so I'm going to be at the community college most of this week. Dylan is driving me, so don't worry. He took me to the park today at Lake Mead just to hike the trails, no we're careful and I know he has a gun."

John settled into the chair as the older lady lifted the cover on his tray and carefully unfolded his napkin into his lap. John smiled at her, nodding his thanks then focused on the conversation. Out of the corner of his eye John could see Caroline cock her head when Dean's voice carried over the line.

"I have to go. I'll be home tomorrow at dinner time. I love you, baby."

John blushed but his hand clenched around the crumpled napkin in his fist.

"I love you too, Dean."

As Caroline started to leave John called to her, and she paused at the door.

"Caroline, I want to have something special for dinner tomorrow since Dean's been away for a few days. He's particularly fond of that tarragon salmon you made last week. I'd like to serve that and pick up a bottle of good white wine to go with it."

She nodded.

"I'll go to the grocer in the morning. Would you care for anything else?"

Shaking his head John turned his attention to eating dinner. He watched as Caroline disappeared down the hall way. After he finished John settled down on the bed, clicking on the TV. The first news report caught his attention. Winchester Inc. was featured in the story and Dean's face splashed on the screen. John took a deep breath, and then quickly flicked the television off. He rose, looking out of the sliding glass doors to his private balcony.

Dylan's rooms were over the garage. The small apartment could be reached by crossing the back yard and going up the stairs on the side of the garage itself. The backyard was dark, but John didn't dare turn on the lights or carry a flashlight. He knew that Caroline watched every move he made and he was sure that she would tell Dean in an instant.

John wasn't concerned for himself, he had long since despaired that Dean would kill him. But he was fearful for Dylan's safety.

He slipped up the stairs to the landing outside the door to the garage apartment. Knocking gently he waited until the other man opened the door. Dylan frowned when he saw who was standing outside his door, but quickly ushered the other man inside.

"John, you shouldn't be here. You know Caroline snoops into everything that goes on in the household."

"I know, but I told her I wanted a special meal prepared for Dean when he get's in tomorrow. It'll keep her busy; she really puts so much effort in making sure she pleases him. I don't think she'll come out of the kitchen until she's inventoried the pantry to make sure she doesn’t need anything when she goes to the grocery store in the morning. I just wanted to be with you for a while tonight. I don't know when he’ll go back to the city again and we have to be really careful when he's here."

Dylan sighed.

"We could take off, just go somewhere. I know he hits you. John, I love you, why don’t we just leave?"

John sat down on a chair shaking his head.

"He'd just come after me. I wasn't in an institution even though he tells people that. I ran away before, and he just came after me. He killed the man I was with, and he'd kill you, too."

With a frown Dylan settled on the floor at John's feet, taking his hand.

"How does he get away with it? I know he has money, but he seems to have a lot of power too. How he can he just kill people?"

"You wouldn't understand, even if I told you. I don't think that you'd believe me. I don't want to talk about him. I just want to make love."

Caroline walked down the driveway reading through her grocery list. She moved around the side of the house toward the garage. With a frown she realized that she had forgotten her key to the small door that lead into the storage area behind the kitchen. With a sigh she stood at the door tapping her foot impatiently. Suddenly a movement on the stairs beside the garage caught her attention. John was standing at the door to Dylan's rooms. He knocked softly and Dylan opened the door. John disappeared inside. With an outraged glare the woman stomped up the driveway to the house.

Dean lay on a massage table in the warmly lit penthouse suite of the Four Seasons. Kyle was behind the bar mixing whisky and cola while staring at the tits on the masseuse rubbing oil over his boss's back. Her long slender fingers dug into the muscles of Dean's shoulders and he hissed in pain. With a snicker the woman stroked her hands down the solid plane of his back then tapped him on the hip.

"Okay, Mr. Winchester, turn over."

Dean rolled onto one elbow taking the heavy crystal glass that the big demon pressed into his hand. Taking a sip of the drink Dean closed his eyes.

"Ah, yeah, that does the trick. You're one hell of a bartender Kyle."

Dean winked at the girl and she giggled.

"For a demon."

Kyle roared in laughter.

"Thanks boss, you're a card."

"Did you know that, honey?" Dean asked the girl and she paused in massaging his chest. "Kyle is a demon. You know, bat out of hell and all that shit?"

"I don't understand," she said with a frown, and Dean laughed smoothly. With a wink he placed the glass on the edge of the table then looked down at the girl's long slender fingers as they stroked over his skin.

"A little bit lower, honey," Dean said with a smile. The girl's fingers dipped lower sliding over the hard ridges of his abdomen. "A little lower…"

Flushing she worked her hand under the sheet covering his lower body, kneading the solid length of his cock. He leaned back on the pillow grunting.

"Yeah that's it."

She worked him until Dean stiffened, coming over her hand. Kyle stood back against the bar watching his boss get a hand job from the bitch. As soon as Dean shot his load the big demon moved in and Dean nodded.

"Take…what's your name honey?"

"Misty," she stammered.

Dean smiled at her patting her on the arm. He turned to Kyle motioning the demon over.

"Take Misty here over to meet the other boys in the back room. I'm sure that it's about dinner time, and they must be starving."

Kyle nodded eyes gleaming.

"Sure thing boss, you coming?"

"Already did, Kyle my man. No, I promised the better half, I'd cut down on my between meal snacks. You and the boys enjoy, and feel free to ask for a little treat before dinner. Misty here has magic fingers, don't you sweetheart?"

"I don't understand, Mr. Winchester," Misty said, with a slight frown.

Dean shooed her away and she followed the big demon out of the room and into the corridor to the rear bedroom.

Later that night when the rooms were dark, the building custodian walked the halls emptying the trash receptacles that the guests set outside the door. The penthouse suite had a large green non-regulation container outside the door, as usual. Fred shook his head, he didn't know what those rich people did that left so much garbage, but it really stank.  He lifted the black heavy duty bags out of the bin, and tossed them into the cart to be taken to the incinerator. The bags were always triple wrapped and knotted so that he couldn't get them open, but considering the way they smelled he probably wouldn't want to anyway. He carefully pulled the envelope taped to the side of the trashcan off, opening it up. A couple of crisp hundreds were folded neatly inside, and Fred pocketed the cash. He decided that he really didn't care what Winchester was throwing out, as long as the money kept coming.

It was six o'clock the next evening when Dean's car pulled up into the driveway. Caroline looked out of the kitchen window, watching as the young man, who was her employer, got out of his car, speaking briefly to the big man who seemed to be his constant companion and walked to the front door.

She glanced over her shoulder at John, who was on the phone with Terri Watterson, then hurried to meet Dean at the door. Quickly she opened the door and took his jacket and briefcase as he stepped inside. Dean glanced around the front room then spotted his father on the telephone at the desk in the corner. John looked up smiling at the younger man.

Caroline stepped forward trying to intercept Dean before he could go into the living room, but he gently brushed her aside.

"Mr. Winchester," she said stridently but he shook his head, motioning for her to wait.

With a grimace Caroline surrendered. Once Dean got John in his sight everything else faded from view. She sighed, she knew that John was carrying on with Dylan, at least she was pretty certain of it, but she also knew that she had to be careful how she approached Mr. Winchester about it. He was so besotted with the older man that she was sure he would take the news very badly. And as much as she cared for Dean Winchester she knew his reputation as a stone cold bastard, and also knew it was well deserved.

Dean hurried into the room, catching John by the waist and swinging him around. John pulled away a little trying to keep the phone to his mouth when Dean leaned in and bit him gently on the neck. Flinching he smiled.

"Terri, I have to go. Dean just got in from the city and he's in the process of sexually assaulting me."

Dean grinned and he could hear the woman's giggles clearly over the line. She told John to enjoy being assaulted and to call her back later. John dropped the phone on the cradle and leaned back into Dean's arms. Closing his eyes he tried to call up an image of Dylan from last night and leaned in letting Dean ravish his mouth. Caroline stood at the doorway watching as Dean smothered his lover with kisses then sighed again. There would be no talking to him that night.

Gasping John leaned back.

"Caroline is dinner ready?"

"Yes, John. I can have it served in ten minutes," she replied, sullenly.

Dean spared her a glance as he tugged John toward the stairs to the upper floor. Looking back over his shoulder h caught the woman's eye.

"Keep it warm for us. We'll be down in a bit."

Dean hustled John to the bedroom, and then pulled the door closed behind them. Quickly he tugged John's shirt out of his jeans and tossed it into the corner. With a grin Dean began stripping off his suit, throwing clothes over his shoulder as he watched John stripping, appreciatively.

Pushing John onto the bed Dean crawled up beside him, laying a line of quick kisses across his chest and them nibbling at the joint of his neck and shoulder. John shivered, and Dean grinned against his father's warm flesh.

"I missed you terribly when I was away. Did you miss me?"

John uttered a brief sigh letting his eyes slip closed.

"I thought about you a lot."

Dean paused, cocking his head, not sure of what to make of the remark, then finally deciding that it was as close to an admission of love as he was going to get. John was warm and pliant in his arms and Dean wasn't going to destroy the mood by being overly critical. Instead he kissed his way down the older man's chest to his groin. Taking John's cock into his mouth he tongued the slit, lapping at the drops of clear fluid gathering on the tip. When John was hard, gasping and writhing beneath him, Dean coated his fingers with spit and pushed them inside. John parted easily for him, relaxing against the bed sheets with a whispered sigh.

Dean rose up onto his knees and pressed his aching cock into the other man, grunting when he breached the tight entrance and slid inside. He pulled out and thrust in, groaning in pleasure. He set a steady rhythm working John's cock with one hand, in counterpoint to his thrusts. John came first, moaning Dean's name. His father's deep rumble sent a shiver running down Dean's spine and he erupted deep inside his father's body.

In the end, Dean called Caroline up to the bedroom with their dinner and she frowned at John as she pushed the wooden teacart inside. John lay in the bed half asleep draped in the heavy brocade duvet. She could tell that he was naked beneath, and could still smell the musky scent in the air. Caroline had long grown used to the fact that Dean didn't care what anyone thought of him or his actions, and was used to coming into the room after he and John had had sex. Still, she was a little offended by the fact that they often ruined the expensive bed sheets with food, and was sure that the chocolate cake was going to end up in places that cake was never meant to be.

John was all but out when Caroline came back to collect the dishes. She tried to avoid looking at the tell-tale streaks of chocolate on the sheets opting instead to just collect the trays and take them away. Dean was dressed in boxers and a t-shirt sitting at the writing desk, but John hadn't bothered to get out of bed.

John rolled over rifling through the nightstand drawer for the remote to the tv when Dean rose seating himself on the end of the bed. John yawned.

"Dean, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I spoke to Sammy today," Dean said, watching carefully as John bolted upright in the bed.  "I told him we were back together again. He was very concerned for you, so I said I’d have you give him a call tomorrow. We're going to fly out to California, apparently little Sammy is getting married."

John swallowed his fear.

"I know, I mean he told me that he might ask her, but I haven't had a chance to speak to him lately."

"I explained that you were here with me, and we're going to be one big happy family," Dean smiled, "Aren't we going to be one big happy family, John?"

"I don't how, I've met Jessica before. She knows that I'm Sam's father. How can you explain that you're Sam's brother without her getting suspicious?"

"Oh, that's taken care of.  I had a friend do a little re-programming in dear little Jess's head. She remembers meeting us, Sam's brother and his loving partner. Sam was a little upset, but it was for the best. Considering the alternative."

"The alternative," John echoed.

He crawled across the bed, coming up behind Dean. Leaning against the younger man's back John wrapped his arms around Dean's waist.

"Please, Dean…don't do anything to her. Sam really loves this girl. She mean's the world to him."

"Of course I won’t, since you asked so nicely, John. Say that you love me,"

John winced.

"You know that I love you Dean. I have all your life."

"That's not what I want, John. Tell me you love me, just the way you used to say it to Bobby."

Flinching John took a deep breath, he closed his eyes and leaned in to dean whispering.

"I love you, Dean."

Smiling triumphantly Dean kissed John's lips.

"Let's get some sleep. We have a plane to catch in the morning."


fiction slash

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