(no subject)

Nov 05, 2012 21:00

It's been a week and still no electricity. The kittens and I have made camp in my home office. I had planned to give them free run of more parts of the house by now, but not until there is some light back. The little devils are fast and if I can't see them I have no hope of finding them.

We have a propane heater and candles. I'm sleeping on the floor, which the kittens just love. The big problem is I can't use my CPAP. I'm already having symptoms like I did before my diagnosis.

Today I got a flyer from the Mayor assuring us that come hell or high water (literally in our case) voting will take place tomorrow at our usual polling spots. I'm so relieved that on top of everything else I don't have to figure out how to vote that I may kiss a member of the League of Women Voters.

Today we got power back on at work so I have a place to go charge my phone and laptop.

If we don't get electricity back soon I have no idea how I will catch up on A) - my school work and B) - my television viewing.
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