Always to me...

Jun 26, 2003 23:37

A wise person once said that my whole life in terms of relationships, or lack thereof is due to a thing called "self-fulfilling prophecies." Now in looking at my life, I would think that if I was living a self-fulfilling prophecy, I'd be with a man. Note the use of the word "man," and he wouldn't be perfect, but he'd be perfect for me. If I was a person who was pessimistic about guys, who always expected the worse...I'd be a lesbian right now.

I have ample, AMPLE amounts of hope that one day, he'll just knock me over. I mean, think of it this way. I'm about to get scientific so you have to keep up:

Now, if someone who has worked in retail takes 100 resumés and hands them out to 100 different retail employers; statiscally speaking, between 20-25 employers would get back to you. Now out of the quarter that contacts you, you are bound to have at least 3 to 5 offers for employment. That sounds reasonably speaking.

Now change resumés to phone numbers, and retail employers to interested'd think I'd be relationship bound. But no. Then again, you can really look at this logically.....because it's a phenomenon wrapped in a enigma...and tossed into a black hole.

But I'm still smiling.
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