Thursday. I went to bed at 7 am. One hour later than the time I used to go to bed because I was pacing myself to finish the Genetics book I was reading. It was 9 hours marathon. Guess what I did it. But I didn't have much time to sleep because I woke up 5 hours later to get ready to go to the New York University health center for my allergy test appointment. Suddenly it occured to me that I drank Benadryll just 22 hours back. I called the center to ask is it ok to come to the allergy test even it is just 2 hours difference. She said you shouldn't have had any allergy medication for the past 3 days not just 24 hours. I thought there goes my appointment and the next is one month later . I have to live on Benadryll for a month because Apple (Debbie) needs constant air conditioning in summer because it is a top notch export quality. Would I see that getting faded in quality by turning off the Air conditioner for 3 days even if I need to avoid some struggle.Absolutley No. "These are the times that try men's souls : .......but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman"- Thomas paine ( The Crisis). For me I would be very fine with just the love of Apple.
When American people's spirits were down and the support for revolutionary war was ebbing one man rose all American spirits through series of pamphlets and that is Thomas Paine. He rose that not through sword but through his pen (Proven again in history that "pen is mightier than sword"). What a phenomenal first 3 lines to start an essay which will linger in the minds of every American craving for morale and strength. It is powerful now as it was then and for the eternity because these are not just lines out of pen but fused with spirit & soul. When Paine died in America there was hardly few people in his funeral in New York City. They could give me million reasons (He wrote an atheistic essay later,.blah blah....) but how could you disregard such a wonderful "founding father" even at his death. I hear some where from the audience that he is an Immigrant.HA May be!!
The another great legend who was disregarded and is one of my favorite leaders of all is the one and only Alexander Hamilton. There are many reasons why I was immersed in Ron Chernow's Biography "Alxander Hamilton". Even the day after my dad's funeral in India I went through this book because it was soothing to me and gave strength like tom paine's "The Crisis".Hamilton born and raised in St.Croix (west Indies) came to America for college education and ended up marrying an American wife and the rest is history. I came here for my graduate education and married an American as sweet and Intelligent as Eliza Hamilton.
A year back when I was walking near city college of manhattan west side, New York City. I found a Statue of Hamilton and I stopped there to marvel at it and was shocked to find it was Hamilton's house and it is locked and was almost dilapidated. Immediately my visits to Washngton's Mt.Vernon and Jefferson's Monticello came to mind. WOW what a difference. A man who wrote most of our "Federalist Papers" and laid the foundation for America's riches is IGNORED. Do you need to be an Ex president of United States for your artifacts to be cared and showcased?. Well even in that way Hamilton and future immigrants were blocked by US constitution Article II. section 1 to be President's. Will it be Amended?
Paine said somewhere in his writings that In a land (America) of adventurers it doesn't matter who came before.
Martin Luther Kind said in America's Best speech "I have a Dream": "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
In this 21st century I have a dream: that one day We all Immigrants will be judged not on where we are from but what we did to America and when we take the oath of citizenship let the full rights be given to us not in words but also in constitution and action".
PS: I thank President coolidge's Idea to put Hamilton's portrait on a $10 Bill. Last time I mentioned Hamilton's name to somebody he in turn retorted "Oh the 10 dollar guy." I don't know to laugh or cry!! My dear Americans you tell me.