fooball .. and another favourite person of the moment

Jun 21, 2008 19:15

- who is

you ask? that's richard dawkins. he's a scientist and famous for his "meme"-theory and atheist views. i watched two of his documentaries yesterday and i have yet too find sth i completely disagree on with him. he's my hero atm. 
just wanted to get that out^^  (the documetaries are called "the root of all evil?" and "the enemies of reason" if you're interested)

- i spent about 2 hours searching the net for flick/jogi slash.... and didn't find anything :(   that means: picspam!  obviously :P

isn't that a great picture XD  (freunde = friends)


that's the only pic i was able to find from that scene when jogi was sent off the pitch... (there was a LOT more touching going on!)
wait a minute.. they even wear the same watch? Oo

this makes me laugh :D

flick's gorgeous btw isn't he ^^

and i HAVE to post this pic again^^    look at the way he looks at jogi!!!  says it all! :D

- i also found great new Slaven pics!  but i already did one slaven picspam today.. *g*   so i might post them tomorrow...or some other day

- i came across this article whilst searching for pics .. and the author made me lol^^   let me quote a bit:

"[...] triggering a James Hetfield-style, “Ye-awh” from Bilic."

"The sound and fury of the men in the checkers, coached by the Rawbau guitarist, left German coach Joachim Löw and his emo-styled bangs shaking their heads in bewilderment."

"The second was the result when Hasselhoff, err, Jens Lehmann made a minor fumble, [...]"

"Everything goes back to Bilic, who seems to have a glint of Jose Mourinho in him even if he doesn’t fancy expensive man-scarves, which he more than makes up for with the brazen earring."

and a last one:
"Der German ödd couple: Christoph Meltzelder and Philip Lahm. Meltzelder is a giant, rocking one of the only full beards in the tournament. Lahm is might have been a body-double for Verne Troyer in that dreadful new Mike Myers flick."

- i'm off watching the netherlands win now ^^ yay!  they have to win the euro!   (i'm still devastated about croatia though.. -.-) 

sport: football: hansi flick, sport: football: euro 2008, person: richard dawkins, sport: football: joachim löw, sport: football: slaven bilić, picspam, slash: jogi/flick

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