- :D i watched dylan moran's "like totally" again! *sigh* he's fantastic <3 *wants more "black books"*!!!!!
- meme seen at
List your 5 fave ships and then answer the questions under the cut.
(i don't think i can pick 5 favourites.... but these were the first five i came up with..)
1) Ten/Master (Doctor Who)
2) Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)
3) Larry/Ally (Ally McBeal)
4) Noah/Claire (Heroes)
5) Abby/Gibbs (NCIS)
1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1?
hm... i think it was that phone call.. *g*
2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5?
first episode i ever watched ^^ they're meant for each other!! :P
3. What is your favourite moment of ship number 3?
awww.. there are so many sweet moments.. *thinks* i love the piano scene when they're singing "white christmas" together
4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose.
well .. Ten/Jack is almost canon, innit *g* anyway: hot!
5. Vice versa.
Master/Ianto .. i could see that happen ^^
6. What's your favourite moment for ship 4?
i don't know if it's my favourite moment, because there are so many great moments... i like the way he's so protective of her and how much he'd do to make sure she's save :)
7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3?
i shipped them from the moment Larry appeared! (because how can you not?!)
8. When did you start shipping ship number 4?
after a few episodes ^^
9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3.
umm.. Gibbs/Larry/Ianto ... that'd be so hot!!
10. Rank your OTPs in order.
that's mean.... but here you go.... (my favourite pairings change all the time though...)
1) Larry/Ally (Ally McBeal)
2) Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)
3) Abby/Gibbs (NCIS)
4) Ten/Master (Doctor Who)
5) Noah/Claire (Heroes)
- i watched
"gabriel" and i adore it!!! it's dark, badass and has angels in it ^^ i love movies about the war amongst angels.. but the only other movie dealing with that kind of stuff is "
the prophecy" (which i love! ) as far as i know. i'd love if anyone could recommend sth similar?!
official gabriel movie site has a trailer in case anyone's interested. oh, and great music :D
(eta: i just remembered that there was a miniseries called "the fallen" about this stuff.. but that's about it really :/ )
- i confess to having watched "dsds" yesterday and already picked my favourites....