Yuletide Letter 2016

Oct 06, 2016 16:29

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Thank you for offering to write for one of my tiny fandoms! My past Yuletide experiences have been nothing but positive and I'm sure this year will be no exception. There are some thoughts and ideas about the fandoms further down that can be embraced or ignored; maybe there is a different angle that I haven't even thought of!

Generally, I read and like a lot of different genres, ratings and tropes. Whether you decide to go for gen or slash, dark, angst or happy fic, all is fine. AUs or crossovers with fandoms I'm familiar with are welcome, too.

Here is a list of things I particularly like and dislike:
Likes: slow burn and first time fics, UST, people being good at what they do and being enthusiastic about the things they love
Dislikes: mpreg/pregnancy, genderswaps, animals (either as part of the story or as a character description), polyamory, sex involving food, scat, non-con in these fandoms

If you want to find out more about me, my past Yuletide letters are under this tag, I am subito onA03 and this is my tumblr. Thank you again for writing for me; now, on to the fandoms!

The Curse of Oak Island RPF | Historical Farm (UK TV) | Never Mind the Buzzcocks RPF

The Curse of Oak Island RPF
Characters: Marty Lagina, Rick Lagina

What's that?
It's a reality show about two brothers who, with the help of business partners/friends/family, try to solve the Oak Island Mystery.

Where can I find it?
The official website is here. You can also find various episodes on Youtube (1, 2) and the History channel has playlists with short clips from each season (S01, S02, S03). There have been three seasons so far and a fourth is rumoured to air in November!

Why? Just... why.
Mystery! History! Conspiracy Theories!  Also: relationships play a huge part. It's fun to watch them go after all these theories and test them out, but it's also interesting to see how the island in return tests and forms relationships.

1) The theme of the Island as a sort of sentient being that influences events and people is interesting. Over centuries, people have tried to discover what it seems to try to keep hidden. What part do the Lagina brothers play and will they succeed?
    a) In my crackier minutes, I think of the island as just wanting to be courted properly, to be recognised in its own right and not because there is booty to be had. Sort of like the stereotype of a woman people only date for sex or the stereotypical rich man people date because of his money.
    b) At other times, my mind wanders to a sort of sci-fi setting and I can imagine the island as a dark place that for some reason was chosen as a strong point in space-time to guard something extraordinary. (And hey, if you wanted to throw aliens into the mix.. "I'm not saying it was aliens, but . aliens!" be my guest - as long as it's not crack!fic.)

2) The elaborate systems and traps amaze me. Someone must have either been an eager builder of these things just for the sake of it or there really is something of great value there. Maybe you want to write about someone who invented one of the traps? Or maybe the guys find something and then invent traps of their own! Maybe it all started out as a prank war but then took a more serious turn? Watching people solve or create any sort of puzzles gives me pleasure.

3) Conspiracy theories! I'm a big fan. Seriously. I love the explanations people come up with to connect seemingly random events and people in history and, full disclosure, I'm willing to believe a lot of stuff XD So, knock yourself out!

4) "7 must die, before the secret is revealed". With all the conspiracies and out-there theories, that line always got me thinking: Who are the seven? Maybe they don't mean the people who died on the island, maybe they are seven important figures in history! Or unimportant/unknown figures and somehow someone finds out they are part of this whole thing and their life (or more specifically death) is connected to the whole thing!

5) Okay, I'm not going to lie: Some time during the first season I started to ship Marty and Rick - and my mind went "Incest. The secret/curse is incest." but you obviously don't have to write them like that. I'm fascinated by their bond and how Marty invests so much into what I see as being at least like 80% Rick's dream.
    a) Something set when they were kids/teenagers, reading about the mystery for the first time, doing more research on it, the mystery bringing them even closer together.
    b) Rick is described as someone who believes that when you commit to something, you see it through to the end. “Once in, all in!” So while Rick might always have been sure about his feelings toward Marty, Marty took some convincing and Rick waited until Marty was ready to commit and mean it?
    c) There are many scenes where they get wet and/or dirty and really throw themselves into the work. One of them watching the other and having a moment of brotherly fondness or lust?
    d) If all you always wanted to do was write dirty-bad-wrong incest porn between Rick and Marty: this is your chance and you will have a grateful audience in me.  ("Experimenting"? Things happening when they're drunk? Things happening when they just pretend to be drunk because they know they shouldn't be doing it but they also want to remember everything and need an excuse? The moment everything clicked for one or both of them? You can see I have thought about this way too much....)

Historical Farm (UK TV)
Characters: Peter Ginn, Alex Langlands

What is it?
The Farm series focus on a different time period in each series. Archaeologists and historians live on a farm and experience what it was like under the conditions of a certain period, how inventions changed the way of life, etc. They started by doing it all year, in the later series shortened the time and broadened it a bit to include aspects like castles, monasteries and railways.

Where can I watch it?
Tales from the Green Valley (1,2), Victorian Farm (1,2), Edwardian Farm (1,2), Wartime Farm (1,2), Tudor Monastery Farm (1,2), Secrets of the Castle (1,2), Full Steam Ahead (1,2)

People who are enthusiastic about history not only tell you about history but relive it and show you skills like thatching and weaving! Plus they get along very well and the whole thing just warms your heart, I promise.

Let me start by saying that although I prefer the focus to be on Peter and Alex' relationship (in whatever way you interpret it), you are very welcome to include Ruth if you wish.
1) From the latest series:
    a) Look at them together. Whether you see them as friends or lovers, anything that has them be fond of each other in some way or another is great! Being tactile with each other (e.g. i, ii) is a bonus.
    b) Slate bum! That bit just begs for fic. What did they do to cure the slate bum?
    c) What happens at or after the cider tent?
    d) Wizard!Peter. It's all I can think about when I see this, I can't really explain it! Anything with Peter as a sort of wizard? What kind of magic does he use? Where does it come from? How does it fit with perhaps his degree? Does he use magic casually? Does anyone know or does he (have to?) keep it secret?
    e) I had the feeling that there was more innuendo than ususal. Anyway, the banter and chemistry between Alex and Peter has always been obvious. What if one of them suddenly realises that it's not just banter and stops, the other one notices, of course, and confusion/feelings finally get confessed?

2) A story set during their university days and/or when they first met!

3) I love the physicality of the show, the crafts and seeing how things are made. Maybe one can teach the other a new skill? Maybe one of them has a hidden talent for something? Maybe they find something they are both absolutely rubbish at and then decide to just have fun with it and tease each other mercilessly about who is the most useless?

Never Mind the Buzzcocks RPF
Characters: Frankie Boyle, Miles Jupp

Here are three things they've been on together: Never Mind the Buzzcocks S24E12 (watch it here), It's Not What You Know S02E01 (listen to it here), The News Quiz S91E04 & last week's episode.

They are friends. Close friends. Unlikely friends? The NMTB episode was the first time I heard of it and I've been fascinated by it ever since.

1) Since it's nominated under NMTB:
    a) Miles knows nothing about pop music and only did NMTB because Frankie was hosting. We got glimpses of seconds where he seemed almost protective of Miles.How did he convince Miles to go on the show with him?
    b) Frankie is really into rap/hip hop. Does he manage to make Miles likes it? Is there a song that gets stuck in Miles's head and so to get back at Frankie he starts texting him random lyrics?

2) Frankie did "Frank Skinner on Demand with..." (x; you can watch it here and if you haven't seen it yet, you should). It's a nice insight into him as the person behind his performer mask. The way he talks, what he talks about and how thoughtfully he talks about things really resonated with me. Here are some ideas you could use:
    a) The Stand. The club where he started out is also the club Miles went to his first comedy workshop. Frankie goes there a lot. Did he see Miles's first performance? Or did Miles see one of Frankie's shows and approached him? What did they think of each other?  Did they talk? Drink? Instant friends? One night stand? Pining over several months?
    b) Match of the Day. Frankie uses it as an incentive to write and try out jokes, so it's fair to say is very into football. Miles is a massive cricket fan, to the extend that he pretended to be a journalist to get onto the English tour to India. Do they ever watch/go to/ play any sport together? I can see them pointing out why and how the other's prefered sport is rubbish and inferior, and both of them delighting in that banter. Maybe there are even bets involved?
    c) Addiction and trauma. That part of the interview really touched me. If you are into angst, this is the perfect subject to get into!

3) There was that court case where Frankie successfully sued a tabloid for libel and donated everything to charity. Miles was a character witness for Frankie! How did that conversation go? Long nights with takeaway preparing for the hearing? Did they lose themselves in mock trials (and who would they pretend to be)?

4) How did it happen that Frankie introduced Miles to Wodehouse's books?

5) Their comedy personas are so different, which is, I guess, one of the main things that fascinates me so much. They are exaggerations, of course, but still. Miles says he can write filth but not say it. Does he write filthy things about Frankie? Does Frankie try to get him to say filthy things, only to find Miles blush and flail? As Frankie pointed out, Miles has the whole choirboy thing going on. Is trying to corrupt the choirboy a fantasy of Frankie's? Or do they even do some sort of vicar/sinner/etc role play?

6) Miles and Frankie take on the US election.

I'd be grateful if you didn't include any of their real life partners and kids.


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