- i'm really sorry i'm not around much and almost never commented in the past weeks. having a bit of a rough time atm. i promise to get better :)
- sherlock S01E02
-.- i had written my usual commentary notes.. but deleted it all by accident. meh
BUT i converted three of my friends to sherlock holmes! they seriously loved it :D and two of them i almost had to force to watch it :P
sooo, it was a great episode and i'm really sad that this week's will be the last.
i didn't like the girl though. she shall go away and never return. please. i certainly do NOT want a holmes/watson/girl episode. :(
btw: i think sherlock/bc is brilliant.. but i feel like i'm the only one who isn't attracted to him .. ?
( the one most attractive to me is lestrade (<3) and then watson /martin freeman. then, somewhere way behind sherlock and seperated from that bc. i kinda like his cheekbones but more in a way i admire architecture... if that makes sense)
- sookie stackhouse books
jason will be a were-panther? WHAT? LOL
i continue to like book!sookie but the storyline with her and ooc!eric seemed a bit.. odd and like an excuse to have her hook up with him.
also: witches? i was laughing so hard.. sry
sam is such a sweet guy and i think he is wasted on sookie. even book!sookie
also, there was a remark about andy being smarter than jason.. which i found very odd
would love to start with the nest book right away but forgot to take it with me over the weekend
- pretty little liars S01E09
- emily destroyed it?.. nah, too bvious
- hello cute cop!
- lol? she wouldn't go out with dirty shoes?!
- please don't tell me hot!dad will get together with hannah's ugly!mum D:
- wtf.. why is she singing. please stop
- oh, she kissed her
- he looks like someone i know but i can'tfigure it out!
- WTF i hate it when characters are so stupid! he obviously applied to work at another school so they wouldn't get into touble about the studnet/pupil thing
- donÄt take her to the dinner!
- -.-
- hm
- Oo
- oh
- so glad they didn't kiss or anything!
- no, aria! mr fitz. MR FITZ!
- aaahh, she put it in the wrong shelf! :( :( :(
- does no one wash their shoes? seems veeery unlikely