"i don't know yet, i haven't finished talking"

May 02, 2010 11:49

- doctor who S05E05

- Oo   what?
- "look at the angels"
- *g*  "see, i thought about it"
- ahhhh  it's dark!   (good thing i'm watching it in daylight!)
- lol at her not denying that he's a mad man
- what's with her calling the wrong numbers?  is she somehow connected to the mind of the angels maybe?  (*g* they're borg!)
- hm, she's counting down..
- "we've comfy chairs"
- she just has to close her eyes maybe?
- "the angels are laughing"
- crack!
- ahhh!
- doctor!
- "never let me talk"
- XD "if we lie to her she'll get all better"
- "there's an angel in her mind"
- lol she really just had to close her eyes...
- "i don't know yet, i haven't finished talking"
- so.. she's a prisoner?
- lol, pat on the head XD
- it's following her...
- hmm.. are they constantly rewriting time?
- i want octavian/angel fic!  that would be so hot
- what she is
- "you will never have lived at all" .. ph
- what's.. wrong  with him....  Oo   he's so.. angry! 
- what happened?
- falling angels!
- "you, me, handcuffs"  :P
- eleven totally looks like geir right now!
- all of them are fairytales? Oo
- i don't like river
- wedding dress...-.-
- lol
- is she coming on to him?  what? DNW
- he isn't picking up on it XD how adorable
- what the heck is she doing????
- he is 907!  (wasn't he older when david was the doctor?  what?    i have some thining to do!)
- so?  what is it?   argh.. can't think

- vampires??????   what?

eleven is still a bit too over-the-top crazy for me....

- general who question(s) 

can i just ask something that might sound really ignorant/proves how little i actually know and not get shouted at? :P umm.. ok, i'm not thaaat familiar with oldschool who. i've only seen a few episodes of some doctors (7 for example, i like 7^^) so i'm not that familiar with stuff that happened and might've been discussed then or not . or whatever.. right, umm....bear with me, please:

- regarding the age of the doctor. and by that i mean how old he appears to be based on the actors... does that also indicate his real age? is there a link between how old he looks and how old he really is? can he look 50 but be younger than when he looks 30 ?
(eta: judging from the latest episode he is now younger than he was as 10.... hmm... does he get younger with every regeneration?  will we end up with a toddler as 23? XD )

- and about the timelines..  i tried to wrap my head around how his timeline and our timeline correspond..  but maybe it's too early in the morning (7 am) to figure that out

- oh and about the age and time travel thing: does his traveling in time(and space.. because y'know.. there really only is spacetime, isn't there??) affect his ageing process?  or is he beyond that because he is a time lord?   
or is his age only affected by regenerating?

i had more questions but i can't really remember right now.
and i'm aware that there might be answers/theories to that somewhere   but i just don't have the time to go looking for them right now :(

- bones

- lol booth
- aquarium!  i wanna see a squid!  i like squiddies
- XD LMAO  brilliant! 
-  hodgins = hot!
- umm.. why are they doing that???  it's not part of their job, is it....
- i want vnm!   
- hodgins <3
- why do they talk about that?
- oh.. good that she mentions it.
- hmm...
- lol  great mocking of self-hep guru's
- awwww angela/hodgins
- hmm...
- Oo
- russian mobster lol
- "i call him bob" ^^
- hmm..
- "she's easily as pretty as i am" *g*
- "andrew is not as handsome as you"  ^^
- i don't like the other woman....
- rat pack! :D


- tie....
- lol booth
- him?  when is mr nigel murray coming back??????????ß   :( :( :(
- XD their faces when she talks about testicles
- "you should expect to be impressed by me" ^^
- i know him...
- cam and paul!
- booth wants to be a rocker?!
- noooooo  .. booth...  -.-
- i wanna see hodgins play baseball
- lol.. "never mess with pronce"
- whaaaat?    they sing????  what?
- *g*   angela and guitars.  well, her dad is really cool!
- ^^ hodgins
- cobain...
- don't take apart the guitar -.-
- hmm......
- LOL bones!!!!  she turned down led zepplin tickets because she thought it was for an air show....

- dott vs robertson!  i'm rooting for graeme like mad <3

- bought the first season of "coupling" for only 5 euro!

tv: bones, tv: doctor who, tv: misc, sport: snooker

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