- bones S05E08
- lol???
- *g* "i imagine booth used to be shorter"
- "who is this? a friend of parker?" XD
- why do they call her? there's still flesh on the bones...
- you gotta be kidding me!!! after the leprechaun episode 8and all the other very weird episodes!) we've arrived at "omg spontanious combustion" again?
- hairspray..
- aaaand he said it! -.-
- hodgins <3
- ok.. angela? that really aounds a bit too far fetched! "it could be a wig" "or.. hey, i know the colour.. it couldbe a vest. blablabla.. " Oo
- lol booth's grandpa
- "my shift's not over!"
- umm fragments that small he won't be able to separate that many male and female ones...
- "you've got a pair of steel ovaries"
- booth got beaten by his dad? oh.. now i love his gandpa all the more!
- you cannot calculate the exact height from just one bone! there are several formula and they all give you a range!
- lol
- "they seem quite happy. obviously they haven't seen their blood sugar levels"
- XD hank!
- .. i want to know more perosnal stuff about vnm!
- :/ fire
- surprise...
- XD "that's what we call sex"
- he's complimenting her on her necklace!
- lol i kinda hope nathan is the only one without a power (but that's not likely is it)
- umm dah.. there is a logic behind it!
- about the "ther si a wolf behind nathan in the openig credits, therefore he migth be a shapeshifter"-theory: there also is a cata nd a mouse .. at another point.. so it doesn't necissarily have to do with him...
- lol everyone else is turning away.. but simon is taking a picture!
- XD "your stepdad has got a massive cock!"
- "maybe he's a werewolf" ^^ (oh wait! maybe that wolf in the opening credits is him!)
- i love simon's clothes and hair.. he looks like.. someone from the early 20th century^^
- lol.. her "power" sucks!
- oh.. great. i knew someone saw them when they burried the corpses
- nathan? absue ->not funny .... i like him less and less
- simon <3
- you don't go around looking.. you stay where you are!
- LOL "a naked man with a huge cock's just run past"
- she's really pretty :)
- why does he still have her phone?
- simon is filming him^^
- wtf nathan! simon is offering his help.. and you turn him down like that.... :/
- aww simon :(
- :P
- "but he used to be in wham!"
- wtf nathan!!
- wtf!
- oh, so you can accept that he turns into a dog but you can't accept your son?
- for a minute i thought that she might actually be an old woman..and then storm had changed her or something...
- lol
- *g* his face
- OMG I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
- 82!
- "i've no idea why that's out"
- :D simon
- MUSIC!!!!!!!!
- she killed herself, didn't she...
- ok.. not. but she's dead
- oh
- that was actually.. nice Oo
- how can she honestly believe that he got a flat? where would he get the money from?
- her?? she must have some kind of powers as well.. or maybe she's part of some organisation...
:D i really like this show!
- OMG! dexter S04E09
- fuck!
- "rain man convention" :P
- :D cody!
- lol deb and masuka????
- pleeeaaaase let him kill that reporter bitch before dexter kills him!
- wtf!!!! she shows up at work like that? argh...
- lol deb!
- wtf is she doing? talking like that....
- MASUKA!!!!!!!!
- he should kill him now
- *g* harry
- "fu...dge" *g*
- whoa!!!! WTF!
- Oo
- batista :)
- awwwwww
- oh.....
- why do i like masuka's shirt so much? Oo
- what's wrong with masuka? why did he do that?
- XD "are you the one my mum told me not to talk to?"
- "shut up, cunt"
- fuck!!!!!!!
- DAD??????????????????????????? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- vampire diaries S01E10
- Oo ?
- clever girl.. stopping in the dead of night to talk to someone she only knows from tv...
- :D jeremy is reading the diary! i hope he finds out about the vampires
- mystic symbols :P
- :D jeramy is an artist <3
- lol "amazing race"
- aaand they'll not leave now...
- lol damon
- i wanna hand her a sandwich :/
- lol
- how can he be there? it's still day isn't it
- i hate blondie! (i can't even remember her name.. ) why's she offended when her mum tells her that she doesn't read the paper? maaan, she's so dumb and naive!
- oh wait.. her daughter wants to get into broadcast journalism.. and oh, logan is/used to be a journalist on tv. i bet he'll try to "help" her daughter.. to pressure the mum into doing stuff...
- lol logan. see? sooooo predictable!!!!!!!!!
- Oo blood? don't tell me she's okay after that...
- WTF!
- :D i like him so much!
- again: i need jeremy/mr saltzman fic!!!!!!!!
- lol i enjoy bad!logan
- she's okay? she would have a big wound and a concussion! and mabe even a few fractures to her skull after a hit like that!
- so... vampires can't sense other vampires?
- staked him like whaaaat XD
- hmm.. she's sooo happy.. that means something horrible will happen before the episode is over... maybe she finds something in his room?
- LOLOLOL photograph of catherine.. CLASSIC! now she'll run away and be all "you only like me because i look like her!"
-oh.. damn...