- there's a conspiracy going on to make me crush on joel mchale! how else do you explain that in the newest episode of "community" he. takes. his. shirt. off!
- bones S05E06
- XD
- OMG!! those girls = win!
- what? wendell i sback? WHERE IS VINCENT NIGEL-MURRAY??!! or fisher.. i'd be ok with fisher.. *wants vnm*
- hodgins <3 <3 <3
- lol OMG!
- "this is getting weirder and weirder" exactly!
- the fuck!
- i bet the "source" is the wife...
- angela Oo (i don't understand what's gojng on)
- booth ^^ "i'd do anything for you. i'd die for you, i'd kill for you"
- aww, hands
- eeeww, she's waaay too skinny! you can see her ripcage!!! please eat something!
- wtf.. what's with all the "look at the face" stuff.....
- WTF!!!!!!!!!!!1 no! angela/wendell?? no!
- Oo
- lol
- booth :/ i wanna give him a hug right now
- aww "next time call me!"
- wtf! wendell/angela? does that mean wendell will be a regular?? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
- "vampire diaries" S01E08
- who's she?
- "it's our theme song"
- 162^^
- Oo .. they all seem so.. casual about it... especially jeremy!
- "have you met you?" *g*
- i love the witch-storyline!
- *g*
- XD vamp sex^^
- LOL awesome!
- who is she exactly????
- (i can already sense the drama.. because elena will think that the girl is stephen's ne ge..)
- oh.. i thought it'd happen at the party.. but.. ok
- ohh*buzz* lol
- "i took away his suffering"
- oh lexie had a mortal lover! (i think she's a really pretty face btw!)
- matt is such a good guy! (i hope she doesn't try a move on him...)
- "i have a diabolical masterplan"
- WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- OMG!!! DAMON WTF! not lexie! (yea, i get his plan and all.. but still: no!)
- i hope they just cuddle
- i thought he was weaker than damon because of his diet...
- :D i love her storyline so much!