ed would make a good ten double Oo *g* and: frankie/stewart! i demand fics!
XD look how much he enjoyed that!
a penny for hugh's thoughts
hi stewart guy.. whoever you are.. but you made frankie laugh.. plus the chestbump.. so you're ok^^
ed :D
*g* he's throwing pens at dara! (.. i almost wrote "pants" .. Oo)
dara!!! many many extra points for being so geeky
blue shirt!russell^^
ed/dara blowjob!face competition
hugh approves ;)
- i'm really enjoying "lost in austen"! i find myself giggeling and squeeing.. plus the main character was thelma in "hex" (*loves*) AND hugh bonneville (you know, dolly from "bonekickers"^^) is in it!! XD