fic rec XD

Aug 25, 2008 08:38

- i'm reading the cutest fic right now!  i was searching for some matt fics after my realisation yesterday evening and came across this matt/mohinder fic called "chemistry lessons". i don't usually read a lot of matt/mohinder  but this one is just too cute not to read.

it's AU  and set in high school and it doesn't only have matt and mohinder but the whole heroes cast as perfect AU characters XD (hrg is the principal and molly is a bag of flour for example.. but you should read the fic to find out more about it^^). the fic has 23 chapters so far but don't let that stop you! they are easy to read and i've come as far as chapter 16 starting yesterday evening.
here's the link  to the chapter index Chemistry Lessons

- i know i don't give fic recs that often (actually i think this is the second time..)  but as i'm on it i might aswell give you some more. i lost most of my bookmarks a while ago though .. so here are three "heroes" fics that popped into my head immediately *g* (none of them is my favourite pairing noah/claire .. because i would have to rec about every fic ever written about them :P)

zach/bennet     called "morally grey muffins" rated PG   it's cute and short
matt/noah        called " breakfast"   rated PG-13     it cracks me up every time!                          
nathan/claire   called "twilight"    rated NC-17  it's a finished 9 chapter story and a bit AU but especially nathan is written really beautifully  (i linked to chapter 9 because it contains all the links to the previous chapters)

- *sigh* thinking about watching season 1 again.. i'm totally hooked right now!

slash: zach/noah, slash: matt/noah, fic rec, ship: nathan/claire, slash: matt/mohinder, tv: heroes

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