Feb 07, 2007 18:34
Well it's been a considerable amount to time since I've written something of possible value (ha.) in here. My birthday was alright. The show was....less than stellar. Final exams were fairly easy and didn't fuck up my GPA too bad...not like it makes much difference at this point anyways. This new semester is ridiculous. I can't tell whether people are stupid or just lazy. or both. The musical....HA! I don't even want to think about it. My part is cool and it should be fun but some other people...hmmaaa.
I need to start planning for this spring and summer. Once I'm done with the musical I need to really REALLY get a job. Once I graduate, I plan on moving out. So there's all of that. And I hope one of my friends can get a place with me cause I really don't want to live by myself.
As of late, I have come to the realization my life is pretty damn good. Even though I always have something to bitch about, all in all, things ain't to shabby.
Sixty-six more days until I'm done. I don't think I've ever been so ready for anything in my life. Granted, college is a whole new ball park but I'm in dire need of some change and a new challenge.
I need to clean my glasses.