Sep 07, 2006 23:28
I'm thinking of ordering another GMAT book and was just browsing Amazon, looking for another inexpensive book to make the free shipping total and Thom Friedman's latest book is still way high on the best sellers list. John's also got the book in another of his MBA classes. I wonder how many copies it's sold. Must be tons. (And yes, this is, like, my really scientific estimate)
Then I had this totally weird thought that it's going to become one of those books that is talked about as being sort of standard in everyone's home. Like Bill Gates' PC on every desktop, or like... The Joy of Sex. Ok, so I've never actually seen or browsed through a copy of The Joy of Sex, but it's always being referred to as a part of everyone's adolesent sexual conciousness. So by way of the transitive property, I had this totally funny thought that The World is Flat, just might be the thinking man's Joy of Sex. What do you think Thom would do if I ever met him and told him my theory? Do you think he'd be my friend?
I think my brain has just been thinking way too long and hard today.