Dec 31, 2004 09:02
i know most of you guys have been posting your grades and test scores, but guess what? im not going to. not that i did bad, i just dont want to! and due to a certain conversation about pink spandex speedo swimsuit...haha. so instead i will talk about van helsing. van helsing is a spectacular movie. everyone should go rent it. even though it is a piece of shit. dude. why is that faramir dude 2 feet tall. and why is it so convenient that van hottie was bit by a werewolf and the only thing that can kill dracula is a werewolf. but. when they are fighting...HELLS YEAH!!!! i wont give away the ending, but sarah (no, not frid or sarah w) if you still dont like shirtless guys i would not recommend seeing this movie. :-D i really want to go see phantom of the opera today. this time i probably wont freak out as much. on second thought...screw not freaking out.