Jan 19, 2008 21:39
I was looking at my friend page on LJ today and realised how many people are making stuff that they are trying to sell.
The thing is that in one way it's quite nice to be around all these people that try to make and sell stuff, but on the other hand if so many of us are making and selling stuff who the hell is buying???
I do like talking to people that know what I'm on about when I take about my problems with making and selling jewellery, but on the other hand because there are so many of us on the net it's hard to find "normal" people that just want to buy stuff.
Also I was watching an episode of NCIS today. I didn't use to like it very much but I absolutely LOVE Abby played by Pauley Perrette. I don't know why but I think shes brilliant. It's not so much the fact that she's a bit gothic but more the way she acts :-) Someone actually told me at work today that he watched NCIS the other day and Abby reminded him of me. Now THAT'S the kind of compliment I like. Just a pity I don't look like her ;-)
God I am so tired! Was kept away til 3in the morning friday morning and was working different shifts thursday (lates), friday (middles) and then saturday (earlies) so still havn't caught up with my sleep. Plus I have to get up for work again tomorrow morning. I seriously need a holiday!
I want to go to my parents for a week and stay in my granddads cottage. It's so peaceful and quiet. I couldn't handle it for long but sometimes when I'm having an overload it's nice to get some peace and quiet.
I don't have any money at the moment thou and I got so much to do so I guess that wont be happening anytime soon.
I really wished I had some money right now thou (doesn't everyone?)! My bestfriend Is having a baby so I should go and see her and I have some other old friends asking when I'm coming home for a visit.
But to be really truthful I just wish I had some money cause I want to colour my hair black and put red streeks in it but I can't afford to ;-)
Well I better go to bed now cause I'm getting up for work in 6 hours.
Night night :-P